Fic: With A Dash Of Pepper

May 08, 2008 02:32

Title: With A Dash Of Pepper
Summary: With everything now changed nothing will be like before. Pepper has to deal with Tony now being Ironman and all that extra work that entails. Also Tony having feelings for Pepper doesn't make things any easier for her. Too bad on top of all that she can't help developing some feeling for Tony herself.
Genre: Romance mainly and more.
Rating: This Chapter: G
Pairing: Tony x Pepper
Author's Note: Movie-verse. Not sure where this might go but at the core is a Tony x Pepper romance fic. Please excuse spelling or grammar. I write in my free time and don't have much time for someone to proof this.

Chapter 1

Everything was silent in Pepper Potts apartment as she slept. She woke up suddenly with a start, her hair clinging to her face while the rest was a mess. Her right hand grabbed the TV remote in a sleepy state off the night stand next to her bed. A flat screen TV on the wall clicked on as a news report filled the bedroom with audio. "Still not a dream" she muttered before slipping out of bed. Pepper left the TV on and walked off into her bathroom.

A woman with brown hair in a neat bun held a microphone in front of her. "With the shocking announcement yesterday by Billionaire Tony Stark that he is the alleged 'Ironman' figure seen..."

A wide grin was on Tony Stark's face as he turned up the news louder. He didn't stay in bed long that morning and was now showered and down in his work shop. The pleasing sounds of all the news about him and his new persona had been filling his ears. Part of him wondered if he made the right choice in telling the truth rather than sticking to the cover story given to him. Tony's ego quickly silenced that thought with others that only made his smirk grow wider, but even Tony's ego could only take so much talk about himself. With a few key strokes the newest CD by Def Leppard was filling his ears and the news was now muted but still on display so he may glance at it once in a while. With both feet tapping away and a shake in his hips he brought up the design spec's for the 'Ironman' suit up, his holographic design pen was in hand and ready to get to work.

"Alright let's start with reenforcing here, here, and here" Tony said with a flick of his pen with each 'here'. The design changed and the display of the current circuit diagrams for each selected area changed.

Tony worked hours designing, changing and reinventing most of the smaller and internal components of his suit. He finally stopped when his music stopped, looking up he saw Pepper looking a little roughed up. "Pepper, are you?"

"Yes, I'm late. I know" Pepper spoke loudly, cutting him off as she set down a cup of coffee and a pile of reports on a table.

Tony smiled charmingly but a his confusion was showing through as well. "I was going to say you look... Wait, your late? Your never late."

Thin shoulders folded forward with orange curls flowing over them, "Well I wouldn't have been late had you stuck to the story yesterday. Now the press is practically banging down the front gates."

"I couldn't help it" Tony said smiling like a child before sipping from the coffee cup.

Pepper could only sigh while beginning only to imagine the amount of voicemail she was going to have to go through let alone the emails that must be coming in right at that very moment. "Sorry" she heard him mutter. Her eyes drifted down to the pile of paperwork under her hand, that was when she noticed Tony's hand was creeping closer to her own.

Looking up Tony was standing right in front of her, his eyes searching her own. The look he gave her yesterday before the press conference was on his face again. Normally Pepper would have deflected it in a more semi playful way but she didn't have the patience for such things right now. "I need to get started on this" she stated flatly before turning on her heel and walking back up stairs.

"Oh, uh, alright then." Tony started down at the coffee cup in his other hand for moment before yelling back up towards her. "I'll just be, you know, working on the suit."

"I figured that" Pepper yelled back already at the top of the stairs.

Grabbing a wrench Tony walked over to the battered suit and started to take a bolt off. "That went well" he muttered lowly.

"Extremely sir" Jarvis finally chimed in.

Rolling his eyes Tony tossed the bolt down and started on another. "Glad you think so" he replied back sarcastically.

Hours passed, hundreds of emails were answered with a little help from Jarvis, and finally the last voice mail had been taken care of. Pepper sighed loudly and let herself lean back as far as the chair would go. "Thank god that is over with, at least now I can try and keep the rest of this mess under control."

"And you handled it excellently Miss Potts" Jarvis spoke bringing a slight smile to Pepper's face.

Pepper sat up, "Why thank you Jarvis."

The AI of Tony's house spoke again, "You're most welcome."

Clapping came from the door and startled Pepper, she sat up quickly with a few strains of hair falling in her face. "Yes excellent job, you deserve a reward for your efforts."

"Tony!" Pepper stood up sending the chair she was sitting in rolling backwards. "I, I didn't hear you come in" she stuttered.

"So how about it, lunch? My treat." Tony had his arms crossed over his chest and was smiling warmly at her.

Pepper took a moment to think about what he just said and felt her head ache. "Tony" she sighed. "You do know there is no way we will make it out of here with out becoming a three ring circus."

He blinked a few times and looked up at nothing for a moment, a clear sign he was thinking deeply. "Ah" he exclaimed unfolding his arms. "There is another way, you know."

Blue eyes grew wide as Pepper grew frighten of the sly smirk now forming on her boss's face. Giving him a glare she took a step backwards. "What are you thinking of? Whatever it is I don't like it already."

Tony laughed a little, "never a good sign" Pepper couldn't help but think silently. "Come on, don't you trust me?"

Pepper tried to hold back the roaring laugh in her throat, only a chuckle slipped out. "No, no I don't really."

It was strange to see a grown man pout but he did very well, any young child would be proud of such a face. "Oh come on Pepper" he pleaded to her.

Before she could slip past him Tony had walked across the room and grabbed Pepper by the wrist. "Don't be like that, come on." He pulled her along as she begged and pleaded for him to stop but she couldn't help but go along with him either. Before Pepper knew it she was down in the work garage looking at a silver Ironman suit.

"Your joking, right?" Pepper asked throughly not amused.

Tony smiled even more. "No, I'm serious", he laughed a little sounding a bit too giddy now.

Turning to face him and giving him another disapproving glare it was her turn to fold her arms over her chest. "We would get out of here alright as every reporter and TV station gets a picture of us both in the act."

A tick in Tony's jaw harden and he was off thinking again. "Nooo" he said dragging out the word a little too long . "We could just keep to along the ocean then go up higher once out of camera range. As long there's no boats around with camera crews we should be fine."

Pepper cursed silently and felt the fight slipping away out of grasp. "Jarvis?" Tony asked the AI. "Is there any boats or small crafts in the area."

"Searching" Jarvis responded pausing for a few moments. "Only a few sir but at a far enough distance to be avoided."

Tony turned back to Pepper with a smile and arms open. "See, we can do it so now the real question is where?"

"Do we have to do this?" she moaned.

"Oh come on Pepper, it will be great. I promise!" Pepper rolled her eyes as he kept using that winning smile at her, it was a sickening sweet smile that useless against her or so she thought.

"Only if you make sure there's no photos taken of us. It's bad enough I danced with you in front of everyone I work with." Thin hands went up to her red hair and pulled the hair tie out. She re-fixed her hair with a tightly pulled elastic band in place. Pepper just knew her hair was going to become a mess.

"You know you liked it" still grinning like a idiot Tony walked over to a computer console to set up the other suit.

Watching him work she stuck her tongue out unknown to him. Pepper could be childish as well if she really wanted to. "No comment" she muttered back a response. Tony just snickered.

Mechanical arms grabbed the suit now and pulled it into it's main parts. Tony walked over to a large black square on the floor and the arms then re-fixed the suit back together around Tony. The helmet was left up as he walked over to Pepper now fully suited and ready. She looked him over and couldn't help but notice he towered over her now.

"What about your..." she pointed at the white light in the center of the chest piece of the suit.

"Oh, that. I have the newer one in, I'm getting a few more made. Just in case you know" Tony explained.

Pepper smiled and nodded, "Good."

"Shall we?" Tony offered a metal covered hand to Pepper.

Swallowing hard she slowly slipped her hand into his. "Just don't go too fast, ok?"

The helmet slid down finally closing Tony completely in, two lights for eyes looked down at her. Strong arms gently pulled her to the suit. "Alright" a slightly electronic voice spoke but still clearly Tony's responded.

Pepper's stomach twisted into knots, her arms wrapped around the neck of the suit. She swore together she could feel the goofy smile he must have had on his face through the suit. It was strange to look up and instead see a unemotional looking face back. She could only wonder if it was Tony or fear of what was going to happen that was making her heart beat so fast. "Maybe a little of both" she thought.

Holding on tight she tired not to close her eyes as the sounds of the suit's propulsion system started to power up. Hard arms and hands held on to her a little more firmly as they both left the ground slowly and rose towards the ramp out. Pepper only closed her eyes once due to the sun suddenly blinding her. Once her eyes adjusted all she could see was endless blue in front of them.


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