I know I read somewhere that while Tony was in college, he had a girlfriend who ended up stealing some designs from Stark Industries and selling them to a rival. I want to reference this in a fic, but I can't find where I read this
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I've been trying to answer those questions for a while now with no success. If there is info, I haven't seen it. The only thing I know is that she went to college (business administration) and that she has no known relatives (apart from her relatives by marriage to Happy, which is later of course). I've just been making it up as I go along...
I've been thru her Wiki and Marvel entries and there's nothing on where she came from or what happened -- if anything -- to her parents. I do make up stuff as I go along, the movieverse Iron Man is pretty much wide open, but at the same time, there's established canon that can't be ignored, such as how Tony's parent's died.
It's funny that I spent years reading DC comics and end up writing a Marvel character.
Hope this helps!
Now that I have her name, I'm finding lots of pages on her too. I love research!
And yes, I exploit my resources ruthlessly, mwhahaaaa!
It's funny that I spent years reading DC comics and end up writing a Marvel character.
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