Hello all!

May 15, 2008 12:52

So, hi all! My name's Jean, or Ghani if you like, and I was kind of a casual fan of Iron Man back in the 90s when i was reading all the Marvel titles and was hyped about seeing the movie to begin with. And then it surpassed every expectation I'd had (and that was many because it had been talked up a lot to me!) The actors, the story, the direction...c'est magnifique!

And I bring you fic by way of an introduction!

Title: Fallout
Author: Ghani Starkiller @ mrs_peel_fanfic
Rating: PG-13 for language
Disclaimer: Iron Man is the property of Marvel and the filmmakers; I don;'t own anything. No rights implied or given, as it were.
Characters: Tony, Rhodes, Pepper; hinted at Pepper/Tony
Summary: Rhodey confronts Tony after the press conference.
A/N: Uusually everything I write turns into huge epics but this was just a tiny little plot bunny, inspired by Jade Blood's The Truth Is, the fact that I absolutely adore Terrence Howard as Rhodes and the fantastic rapport he has with his costar. I make mention of comic character Rae LaCoste; it's a habit of mine, to take comic canon and drag it kicking and screaming into my movie!verse fic. You don't have to have any knowledge of the comic to understand the reference; she's kind of my Rae now.

“Well,” Tony Stark said with expectant shrewdness...

Peace, Ghani

introduction, fanfic

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