For Rhodey?

Oct 24, 2008 14:32

Someone brought this up in the tonypepper community and I wanted to gauge other people's intrest. There's a petition going around for people who want Terrence Howard back as Rhodey. It's great and all, but no one in Marvel will care about an online petition. So I was wondering if anyone would be interesting in writting and sending in letters. This tactic has worked multiple times for shows such as Firefly, Supernatural, and just paid off for the fans of Terminator: Sarah Conner Chronicals.

I'm not saying it would work because we would need a LOT of letters and there is always the factor of something going on with the switch-out decision that we don't see; but I don't see how it could hurt. This isn't to hate on Don Cheedle, cause he's awesome, but it's a chance for the fans who want Iron Man to stay the way it is to voice their opinions.

So if other's are interested, I will look into getting addresses and such. If not, then we can ignore this post. Either way, we will need to act fast because initial filming begins in January.

iron man 2, rhodey

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