Title: Left Turn At Albuquerque (1/?)
strangevisitor7Fandom/Universe: Ironman (Marvel Movie 'verse)and Magnificent 7 (Part of the Aces Immortal Highlander AU)
Beta: The magnificent
ithildyn Rating: PG
Characters: From Ironman: Tony Stark, Pepper, Rhodey. From Mag7: Vin Tanner, Ezra Standish, Buck Wilmington, JD Dunne, Nathan Jackson, Chriss Larabee, Josiah Sanchez. OC's from the Aces Immortal 'Verse: Charlotte Sparrow (AKA Pearl Black) and Cecily Desjardins.
Summary: Tony is testing some improvements to the Ironman armor when things take a 'left turn'.
A/N: This is part of the
Aces Immortal series created by me and
ithildyn, which means that Ezra Standish is Immortal in this story.
Chapter 1: Left Turn At Albuquerque