oo8. [ Action/Video ]

Jul 02, 2011 03:10

((oo: Takes place Thursday night to Friday morning I guess. ))

[ Do you know what you do when you find out someone is an imposter? You lure them into your room with the promise of cake. You open the door for them and invite them in. Then you hit them on the head with your bass guitar hard enough to knock them out for most of the day. And then you tie them up to a chair in the corner so they don't get away when they do wake up.

That's what Jade did and she's starting to regret it. Back and forth back and forth. She paces in her room, gun in hand. ]

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god. What do I do? I tied someone up to a chair. I tied John to a chair. Not John. A stranger. Ooooh my god!

[ She turns on her communicator, looking a little frantic. ]

I tied a stranger to a chair! What do I do? What do I do?

strangers tied to chairs, #event: it's a ruse

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