oo5. [Text]

Apr 12, 2011 21:09

everybody really is gone!
i cant find them anywhere and i even tried with my spectagoggles :(
at least jack is gone too...

#post event

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cull_means_care April 13 2011, 18:33:18 UTC
O)( no, t)(ey are? I was )(oping your brot)(er-friend would be )(ere longer 38(

)(e seems very nice and a lot of fun. I can sea w)(y you are friends.


cull_means_care April 13 2011, 18:34:07 UTC
(ooc: I have no idea why it's green.)


ironlass April 13 2011, 20:07:29 UTC
i was hoping so too!
but i guess not :(
and yes john is one of the nicest people ever!!!

( ooc: My journal theme turns any bolded text green aaand I don't know how to stop that B'[. But your text does show up purple in my inbox. )


cull_means_care April 13 2011, 20:18:46 UTC
Per)(aps t)(ey are only gone temporarily?
It would be cruel of the mansion to reunite you and t)(en take t)(em away on porpoise.
I would also )(ave liked to meet your other friends.

[ooc: ooh, got it. Yeah, it showed up purple in the email too. Silly confusing layout]


ironlass April 13 2011, 23:38:04 UTC
do you think so??
because i am starting to think the mansion isnt as nice as it seemed when i first got here :(


cull_means_care April 14 2011, 17:52:47 UTC
I dont know.
I t)(ink
T)(e mansion will be w)(at we make it.
So if we )(ope for t)(em to return, per)(aps the mansion will indulge us.


ironlass April 14 2011, 22:19:10 UTC
hehe that would be so cool!
like just wish for someone and bam!!!
they jump out of the closet
i dont think that will happen though


cull_means_care April 15 2011, 08:34:38 UTC
We could try!
And if t)(at doesnt work...well maybe the mansion )(as ot)(er ways of making t)(ings )(appen.


ironlass April 16 2011, 23:56:06 UTC
youre right!
i will try that later and see :D


cull_means_care April 17 2011, 18:42:45 UTC
Let me know )(ow it goes.
Im excited to sea )(ow muc)( control we )(ave over t)(is )(ive.


ironlass April 17 2011, 20:55:11 UTC
you know what?
i will try right now!
brb :D

[ dootdootdoot a couple of minutes pass ]

nothing came out :(
but it did give me a pretty rose flower when I asked for rose??


cull_means_care April 17 2011, 20:58:54 UTC
O)(. T)(ats not fun at all 38(
But at least the flower's pretty?


ironlass April 17 2011, 22:17:13 UTC
maybe it just doesnt work that way
siiigh i guess i will have to sit and wait!
yes it is very pretty
are there roses where you used to live??


cull_means_care April 18 2011, 18:41:52 UTC
But Im s)(ore t)(e Mansion )(as ot)(er ways.
Dont give up )(ope!
T)(ere mig)(t )(ave been. Is it a land flower?


ironlass April 18 2011, 19:41:49 UTC
i dont think they grow underwater so yes they are
they come in alot of colors, but mostly red
and their stems have thorns so its easy to get cut!
does that sound familiar?


cull_means_care April 18 2011, 20:19:43 UTC
Im not s)(ore.
But t)(en I never spent muc)( time on land.
It would )(ave been too risky to be so far from Gl'bgolyb.


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