AU Fanfiction: As Flat As...

Mar 26, 2010 16:57

Title: As Flat As…
AU: Weird West aka Revelation
Rating: R
Author’s Note: The fun continues with more Revelation, weird west, AU. For more information read this: Manifest Destiny.

Kansas wasn’t just flat. Most of the eastern part of the state was hilly and forested. The horses were carefully picking their way through, Jo with her eyes closed trusting her horse to avoid the trees. Her magic told her they were close. She was good at tracking things, water, gold, she could find those easily. People were a lot harder and Angels even more so. She had only two encounters with Castiel to go off of too. It had taken them most of the day just to get this far but they were closing in fast now.

“I think I see wings!” Dean yelled from behind her. “Come on.”

Jo opened her eyes, trying to see through the twist of branches and leaves to see what Dean had seen. She thought maybe there was a bit of gray, maybe some black, but she didn’t have the Gunslingers eyes.

“My magic says he’s that way,” she said, but Dean was already maneuvering his sleek, black mare around her and through the brush at a brisk trot. Sam was quick to catch up with his palomino, but her mustang was the bed at getting over it quick.

She reined in her horses in at the sight of an Angel kneeling over another. She recognized the black wings of Marshall Castiel, but the other was a stranger. She could also see the blood pooled around Castiel’s body.

“Get away from him!” Impala leapt into the clearing and Dean swung out of the saddle, reaching for his gun.

“Easy, Gunslinger.” The Angel, the one kneeling with dusky brown wings flicked a finger at Dean and sent him flying backwards into a tree. He stood up and she was surprised that the Angel was a short, sort of pudgy looking man with a gambler’s grin. “I’m trying to help.”

“Dean!” Sam dropped to the ground next to his brother, leaving her the closest to the Angel, who was still grinning like a man with a winning hand of poker.

“Trying to help?” Jo jumped down, grabbing the reins to Dean’s mare before she ran off. “What do you mean?”

“Is your fella going to shoot me?” The Angel crossed his arms and glared in the direction of Sam helping Dean back to his feet.

“He’s not my…” Jo protested.

“Damn right I'm going to shoot you.”

“Dean, put it down.” Sam pushed Dean’s gun arm down. “It wouldn’t work anyway.”

“But it’ll make me feel a lot better.”

“He won’t,” Jo broke in. “Not unless you give him a reason to.”

The Angel considered for a moment then nodded. “I can live with that.”

He snapped his fingers and a stick of red licorice appeared in his hand. “I’m Gabriel, by the way, and Cas here, he’s just gotten his ass kicked trying to protect you.”

The Angel Gabriel pointed the licorice at Sam.

“Me?” Sam blinked and then frowned. “Why me?”

“I can’t tell you that, High Court rules and all. Normally I wouldn’t care, but after seeing what Raphael and Uriel did to my brother I think taking the high road is a good idea in this point.” Gabriel looked down at Castiel for a second before fixing Sam with a cold look. “That’s right, it’s your fault.”

“Nice job protecting him,” Dean moved to stand in front of Sam, holding an arm over his ribs. From the way he was wincing Jo suspected he must have busted at least one rib if not more. “Some brother you are.”

“Really Gunslinger?” Gabriel raised an eyebrow as he bit into the candy.

Dean was ready for it this time. He shoved Sam out of the way, moving so fast he was in the path of the magical wave and then he wasn’t, just one step to the side but bullet fast. The Angel’s magic passed him close enough to ruffle his coat and hair.

“Not bad. Leaving him with you might just be a good idea after all.” Gabriel flicked his wings once, saluted Sam with what was left of the licorice stick and then was gone with a clap of thunder and rustle of feathers.

They all stood there, a little surprised and a little confused until Castiel groaned suddenly. They all rushed forward, but she reached the Angel first, rolling him onto his face. She gasped when she saw his chest. The other Angels had carved strange symbols in it, straight down the center. They weren’t deep, but they were bleeding heavily.

“It’s Blood magic,” Sam said, clearly shocked.

“Angels used Blood magic? You sure, Sam?”

“Yeah, Dad had a book on it remember? It had some of those symbols in it.” Sam looked around. “Jo, is there any running water near here?”

“Maybe, hang on I have to reset the compass.”

As a Diviner, her magic worked on an internal compass that would point her in the direction of whatever see was looking to find. Water was one of the easiest things for her to track down. She centered her magic, focused it on water and then let the needle spin. It wiped west and her gut told her to go that way.

“A mile or so west, it might be a creek or something. It’s not a strong signal but it’s the closest next to the canteens.”

“Alright, Sam help me get him up on Impala. We’ll make camp there until he’s better.”

“We didn’t really bring camping supplies.” She looked between the two brothers while they hauled Castiel up and started to drag him over to Dean’s horse.

“Well, it’s time for you to do more than just dress like a man, Joanna Beth. Time to live like one too.” Dean flashed her a grin for a second before he had to focus on lifting.

Jo bit her lip a little. This wasn’t what she had signed up for but nothing was ever simple with the Winchesters.

with: sam, fanfiction, verse: revelation, with: cas, with: gabriel, with: dean

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