Jul 11, 2007 03:01
The new Harry Potter movie is AWESOME. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Given, it's been so long since I've read the books I remember nothing, but I LOVE THE HARRY POTTER SERIES. Just had to throw that out there, for myself as much as anyone.
That is all.
Just kidding! I lied. That is not all. I realized it's been almost a month since my last update and I'm still on my HP high, so I'm going to give a lesson on movie-going etiquette. If someone is organizing an outing to see a movie, and kind enough to go in person and buy tickets ahead of time, one should not declare him/herself attending and then back out after tickets have been bought. It causes great stress on the part of the organizer/ticket-buyer, and it is just plain rude. (This happened to me twice today. Twice!) And *please* don't ask about going after you have already backed out. Don't even get me started on that one....
This week so far in a small and non-descriptive nutshell: I got sick on sunday, and then I took a nice nap on monday and felt a little better. Choir monday night was incredible as usual - I didn't feel sick at all while I was there. I even went to bed at an almost decent hour last night. So today, what did I do? I ran around like a busy person with a life and things to do, didn't nap at all, and went to the midnight showing of Harry Potter. Can you tell I really value my health?