May 10, 2004 02:29
that's what you should have heard on tonight's (yesterday night's? yesternight's?) Futurama. instead the FCC or Attorney General John Asscroft got their hands on some fancy shmancy editing equipment resulting in Prof. Farnsworth exclaiming "Sweet Zombie J-[noticeable pause as the Prof's mouth silently forms "Esus"]!"
now i know it's hard to face the truth, but when Jesus came back, technically he was a zombie (as be definition, a zombie is a dead person who comes back from said dead). whither or not he said "Braaainnnns" or "LO! I HAVE RETURNED FROM THE DEAD AND HENSEFORTH THIS DAY SHALL BE KNOWN AS EASTER!!!" (funnier when Bruce says it as he pops out of nowhere in that sneaky Red-Injun way of his)
what i'm saying is censorship really pisses me off. now i know sometimes it's nessesary, like when a show says f*ck or sh*t or m*nkey when little kids or Republicans can here it, but really? is was on late at night, and with a Parental Advisory shown before it. and since when was Jesus a bad word? "Jesus to you pal!" "Up your Jesus!" or "Double Jesus on you!" see what i mean?
at least this censoring was done in a way that it was obvious it was being censored. i often enjoy creative overdubs of dialogue, such as "Mister Falcon" or "Son of a Finch." however, recently on a major (semi-major) cable channel i watched two movies that were visually censored to remove things which, i'll admit are things best left away from the childrens, namely a middle finger and a nipple (Eliza Dushku's and Mila Jovovich's respectively). but it was the WAY in which they were censored that bugged me. digital manipulation mumbo-jumbo. they digitally painted out Miss Dushku's middle finger, so it looked like she was just raising her closed fist, and therefore looking like a complete dork (and i won't stand for Eliza Dushku looking like a dork! geek, yes. dork no). i ask them, why, WHY!? that shot wasn't at all artistically important to the movie, would it not be cheaper to just cut the scene out? i mean really? (the second example was really not that bad as they needed that establishing shot to work out the placement of things, and they just moved a console of buttons a little bit, but it was still understandable to the viewer that nippliage was happening behind said console).
i tend to ramble, don't i?
so basically (my mom hates the overusage of that word...oops, ramblin' again). i don't like censorship most of the time, and censors can just *^#%@($#^. (you knew that joke was coming, didn't ya?)