Apr 24, 2006 01:39
An IM conversation i had on this subject.
RevChrisBird: if Batman and Bruce Lee were to have a fight
RevChrisBird: Batman would spend all day and night watching Bruce Lee
RevChrisBird: learning his moves
RevChrisBird: and then when the fight came Bruce Lee would offer his hand in a friendly shake
RevChrisBird: and when their hands were one inch apart Bruce would punch Batman's hand so hard that all his bones would turn to dust
RevChrisBird: i've seen him do it
RevChrisBird: in person
RevChrisBird: then he would hotwire the batmobile and drive to Las Vegas and run over a unicorn and beat George Burns at blackjack and then jam onstage with TMBG
RevChrisBird: then he would climb mount olympus and beat the hell out of Zeus, then Odin, Ra, and Quetzalcoatl
RevChrisBird: then he would build a giant skateboard ramp that would launch him through space all the way to Jupiter where he would fight the planet itself
RevChrisBird: then he would forge a crown out of the diamond core of Jupiter and dub himself the Omni-Emperoresident of Space and Time
RevChrisBird: then he would have a ham sandwich, because doing all that worked up an appetite