I have never been one that someone usually falls for and I, myself, am fairly reserved when it comes to talking about my feelings. But in certain circumstance I have no choice but to act, if I don't I would never forgive myself for the opportunity lost. But that means I have to find myself in a situation in which that nagging voice in my head would never let down the fact that I never did something, never made a choice. The main problem for me is that being forward from the very beginning is quite hard for me because I am completely convinced that women want nothing to do with me. So now that that I got that dramatization over with I'll move on to stories, one of them is of a conversation I had a while ago with a close friend. We were having lunch, like ya do, and I asked her how her boyfriend was, ya know the normal things like hey how is he? does he have a pulse? does he pleasure you like he should? that sort of thing. This conversation of course, like it always does, revolves around to the question of my love life. This difference was more in my reply (or lack there of, lol). Instead of the common tale of my general, and unusually long, disinterest in women I simply smiled. Rather giddily might I add. She always joked that my last relationship ruined women for me and has always promoted my shift to a more ...umm gay lifestyle. When I initially smiled I think she wasn't sure to take it I had finally found a crush or if I was finally coming out of the closet, haha. She pried further...
"What happened?"
"Well ya know I know lots of people who are amazing and all that jazz, but yet haven't really found someone I was really excited about."
"yeahhhh" (her smile growing too, haha)
"Well I found hope, I found someone who I get giddy and stupid around, it's rather uplifting"
"Well what happened?"
"I turned the car around"
"It was easier than I thought"
So yeah more on that later, right now it's make your own game night,
And now I shall relate to you the rules of the game of which Dubos has created and I will now attempt to play drunk:
The Scrübl Manifesto
Scrübl is a traditional German game invented by Albert Einstein on accident. He was trying to find out how to juggle the atom, but he accidentally created the silliest game on earth. However, this achievement is often overlooked because he stuck out his tongue once and someone took a picture of him. Since then, no one has really taken him very seriously
Scrübl is often confused with the game Scrabble, probably because Scrübl utilizes a Scrabble board and Scrabble letter tiles. There are some differences, however - the two “blank tiles” should be transformed into a tile with a “ü” and another with a “!”
Acceptable words:
- misspellings of real words
- real words with odd prefixes and/or suffixes added
- words that sound like they could be real (but aren’t; you must be able to justify with a made-up definition)
- any real word with “o” or “a” added to the end to make a Spanish-ish word
- any non-real word that a broken-English-speaking person might use
- any non-real word that makes you giggle
Unacceptable words
- real words
Special rules
- whenever a hand is played, the player must recite the word and give a spontaneous definition. This must be done verbally.
- there is no kicking the board in a pit of rage. Scrübl is a family game
- in any case in which a word is played and runs parallel to another word, the word is deemed acceptable only if the sharing letters make non-real 2-letter words. If such a word exceeds 2 letters or is real or an abbreviation, the hand cannot be played so
- the “ü” may only make the “oo” sound
- if “Scrübl” (with umlaut only) is spelled as a game word by a player, he or she automatically wins the game
- if a word is played with an exclamation point at the end, the player must exclaim, rather than merely say, the word. One must do so with the enthusiasm of a young child opening a birthday present
- if a player plays the word “Scrübl” and ends it with an exclamation point, he or she is immediately transformed into a great phoenix and flies into the sky with a divine sweeping motion. However, this only happens once every 1000 years
- in the event that Jesus should return to the world to save us all, he is not allowed to play Scrübl. He is too good at it
- there is no score-keeping in Scrübl. The winner is the last player alive
- in the event that you lay down the hand “Jeff Foxworthy,” you probably cheated
- the last rule of Scrübl is to have fun. This is mandatory
As of last night an amendment was made,
Thoes whom feel they can contest the winners of the night may do so and thus claim championship by relating to the group an epic tale which thus includes all the words created that night on the board. If the group find the story suitable the teller of the tale is not just crown winner but also grand bard! But if someone in the group feels that a more epic tale of greater consequence can be told insead of the aforementioned teller then thay mey relate their tale and thus clam ownership of Scrübl.
The Noosepepper:
Scorpion Wins: Fatality
by Artanis Knarf
KOMBAT TOMB, OUTWORLD - In a battle Monday between Scorpion and Sub-Zero,
Scorpion killed Sub-Zero by Fatality. The battle took place during Mortal Kombat II,
a tournament held in the Outworld by Emperor Shao Kahn.
Sub-Zero had challenged Scorpion after a winning streak in Expert Mode.
"It was kind of cheap really," said Baraka, a Tarkatan warlord.
"Scorpion just kept doing the 'get-over-here!' spear thing over and over."
In little time, the words "Finish Him" boomed through the air, and Scorpion
uppercut-punched Sub-Zero into a bed of nails suspended from the ceiling.
Onlookers described the fight as a close match. "Sub-Zero froze Scorpion
twice, giving him an advantage for a while," claimed Rayden the Thunder God.
"If the B button on the controller hadn't been broken,
I think the title would have gone to Sub-Zero."
Liu Kang, a Shaolin monk, added,
"My best friend kills people by throwing hats."
While a motive for the Fatality is still under speculation,
many Kombatants agree that it was revenge for a battle that took
place 3 days prior in which Sub-Zero froze Scorpion and threw
him into an acid cesspool.
Ride Pimped, Totaled: 4 Dead
by Artanis Knarf
ARLINGTON, TX - Area man Fred Grey's recently pimped car was totalled on the
LBJ freeway Thursday, resulting in his death and the death of three others.
According to eyewitnesses, the chandelier on the hood of Grey's car got
caught on the towing end of an tow truck, causing Grey to lose control of
the wheel and spin out of control into oncoming traffic.
Grey was killed on impact, but his girlfriend burned to death trapped in
the passenger seat tanning bed. Their infant son Gregory fell into the car's
jacuzzi and drowned soon after. Hank Anastasio, a nearby pedestrian, was
fatally electrocuted when one of the car's Sony flatscreen hubcaps flew off
into his face.
Doctors maintain that while the other three deaths were inevitable,
Grey's death could have been avoided had the airbags not been replaced
by Apple iBooks.
Star Wars 3: It's a FORCE to Be Reckoned With!
by Mrs. Diana Applebee
I hope you readers will go easy on me because this is my first Star Wars film and my
first movie review! As a fifth grade teacher, I was so sick of hearing what all of the
intergalactic fuss was about! So, I decided to check it out on my own. And boy oh boy,
has this movie got bang!
The movie opens with our two heroes Obi-No Katona and Akbar Skyfighter flying their
spaceships all over the place. Talk about great action scenes! When they finally arrive to
find Chancellor Palastine prisoner, an intimidating fellow named Colonel Dushku arrives
and challenges the young Skyfighter to a light-stick duel! I was chewing my nails here, folks!
Now, I don't want to give away too much, but let's just say the Colonel kind of loses his head.
LOL (Laughing Out Loud).
That pretty much sets the tone for how the rest of the movie will be. There is a lot of action,
a lot of robots, and a lot of our lovable green friend, Yano. In fact, a lot of surprises turn up.
You might even catch a glimpse of the famous Dark Vader (although I don't want to give away his secret identity).
Now, I'm no thespian, but I have to say that the acting in this movie is brilliant! Natalie
Porterfield cries and those are real tears! Great job, Natalie! It takes guts to cry in front of
the camera. Also, that Akbar Skyfighter, played by Hans Christian Andersen, is really angry!
He has so much hate filled up in him, you can just see it in his eyes! The only time it went a
little too far was in a scene when Akbar is shown about to kill some young Jenga children.
Has he ever heard of the saying "Children Are Our Future"? If not, I'd be the first to hand
him my bumper sticker. I'm surprised that with all the people working on this film, Mr. George
Lupus didn't even hire a moral advisor.
Speaking of the many people who made this movie great, the cinematography is magnificent.
In one scene the camera is showing a fight between Akbar and Obi-No surrounded by a river of lava.
I think it's expected of our two heroes to be valiant, but we also have a brave cameraperson
working among hot molten magma! Yikes! The editing was great too. I didn't find any grammatical
errors. And whoever created those Wooglie costumes deserves a round of applause. Was it Jim Hensmith?
Anywho, I'd like to talk more about the many twists and turns (twins!?), and the memorable scenes
(Dark Vader raising his fists in the air screaming "Noooooo!" will always haunt me), but these Civil War
term papers aren't going to grade themselves. Oh, some days I wish I had Jenga superpowers. Maybe
then I could get that little Jimmy Westfield to sit in his seat and keep his hands to himself. I give Star Wars 3
a big A- (with points taken off for the evil murder of children). I'll be sure to check out more Star Wars
installments (I can't wait for episode 4!) in the "future." LOL (Laughing Out Loud). Who knows what
dangers the crew of the Enterprise will have to face next?