Soy un perdedor!

Jul 09, 2004 20:50

Like clams at a bake
The rhymes we shall make
Will inspire the world to hold hands
And respire
Out loud and together
While we eating chicken like sweet sweet champagne
But alcohol’s not for us, we’ll get out some other way.

So, my hand is very, very cold. Cold up to the point of dead. And I have a beck song stuck in my head, so i'm feeling very cool, too. So much coldness, i might turn to ice, which won't do at all, now will it?
Noo! Ooh, I have 2 whole bottles of bundaberg diet ginger beer in front of me, which i carelessly forgot to put away, and they are not whole either. Because once you take a sip you can't go back, baby! You just can't! Yeah, the guy at the back knows what I'm talkin about. Cheers to all!
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