Dang, it has been so long since i have last updated. This is the first
time i have seen the new LJ layout...spiffy. So my life has consisted
of school and working. And working on the english 3 project. stooopid
video. actuallyt ours (sara,hanna,ann, and shannon's) is awesome!
No surfing involved yeah thats right! it reaks gay and
unprofessional. yes i know! There is nothing i can do about it though
besides complain. Right now critics are rolling from Xmen 2 and the
music is really annoying and freaky.
This hurricane has blowed, literally. School is cancelled and so have
stores so i couldn't get m homecoming dress butt oday i did and now i
have the lovely joy of instead of stressing over a dress i can stress
over shoes,jewlry,and anything else.
Homecoming is OCT 8.
My bday is next weekend..the 3rd! and i have nothing planned...at ALL. it is so ghetto i wanna go to cocoa beach so bad but
1 it is destroyed and
2 we didn't plan ahead for it.
so SUNDAY is my bday don't forget it or i will shoot you in the left foot adn take your right shoe.
School is really hard..junior year yep kept its rep for me the hardest year. Oh well..lifes a dick when it hard f*ck it.
ewww....i just heard hilary duff live on some talk shoe and she is horrible...flat.!.!.!.!
i have a headache now..i think i am too tired..and my tummy hurts
ohh this just in tomm. morning proly waking up early and surfing...yep!
Padre claims it shall be good! woopay! I don't care if i am supposed to
work i will just act liek i'm not supposed to.
so early tomm. sara, dale, whitney!
oh tonight twas fun....sara learned a super hott dance and i watched. I
want yoga tapes for my bday i think...or a membership to take a hip hop
dance class....
what else do i want for my bday....hmmm
- surfboard which parentals are helping me buy
- boyfriend..that is impossible we are dealing with me here
- yoga
- money
- dance classes
- maybe i wanna take gymnastics too
- money for my surfboard
- a good time at hoemcoming
- no car wrecks!
- no more hurricans
- and last but definatly not least GOOD WAVES DANGIT!
anything else i should ask for??? let me know!