Dec 05, 2011 01:26
I heard that something had happened to the Darkmoon Faire and little else, so on a whim I investigated. The changed are more than minor.
The whole event has moved to a new location, Darkmoon Island. Unlikely it's original name.
After seeing the new attractions and getting a general lay of the place, I ducted out of the tents and main street to get a look at the real island. Something is going on there. I do not know what, but something is definitely going on. The weather seems less than natural, the forests have an eeriness that reminds me of a few other darker places on Azeroth. Finding some skeletons in cages, the remains of an old house up on a cliff and a large number of ship wrecks around the island do little to dissuade me of such thoughts.
Not to mention the undead woman stationed outside the fairgrounds who seeming to be selling food of a manner that would appeal to Caeryn. Obviously I didn't buy anything from them.
I did however recognize a vendor or two from more reputable places and thought I would sample what they were offering.
The donuts weren't bad. They were nice enough that I purchased a box and shared them with Arhena while sitting in Thunder Bluff for a time.
Outside of the topic that seems to occupy most of my current time, this business with the Bronze Dragonflight will need to be pondered on it's own. There is much to consider in that regard and not all of it good.
At least Darkmoon Island has a petting Zoo.