May 31, 2008 19:31
((Build rules: 36 point buy, Max HP at first level, and 3/4s HD per level after, ECL 10 with 45,000 XP. You can use LA, HD, or other such things in the creation of your character, no LA buyoff. Everyone has an XP buffer of 5,000 XP. This essentially means that, before you start, you can use up to 5,000 XP to create magic items, spells, or the like, but once you begin to play the game, your XP will be set to 45,000, no matter how much of that buffer you have used. XP can also pay for a bloodline (minor = 1000 XP, intermediate 3000 XP, major 5000 XP); taking a bloodline in this fashion voids the need for bloodline levels. All books are allowed. Up to 2 flaws & 2 traits. Flaws may be taken at levels 1, 5, and 10. Traits must be taken at level 1. DM will be using a version of the Sanity variant. Sanity = Wis x 4. Starting wealth is 49,000 GP.))
Books Used: PHB 3.5, DMG 3.5, MM 3.5 (animal companion), Races of Stone (Deepwarden Prestige Class), Unearthed Arcana (Bloodline, Flaws & Traits), Complete Adventurer (Beastmaster Prestige Class, Natural Bond feat), Complete Scoundrel (Skill Tricks), and PHB II (Active Shield Defense, Companion Spellbond, Shield Specialization and Shield Ward feats)
Character Name : Ulfgar Gorut Player : Ironhand GM : Vael
Gender : Male Template(s) : None
Alignment : Neutral Good (leaning toward TN) Bloodline : Demon, Major
Race : Dwarf Size : Medium Type & Subtype(s) : Humanoid (Dwarf)
Base Character Level : 10 LA : +0 Racial HD : 00 ECL : 10th (+5,000 xp for bloodlines or magic item making / permancies)
Classes & Levels : Ranger 6 / Beastmaster 2 / Deepwarden 2
Age : 62 Height : 4'5" Weight : 186 lbs. Hair : Copper-hued Eyes : Overcast grey
Distinguishing Features: Backs of both hands are scarred - possibly branded, though if so, the pattern has been destroyed by subsequent scars
XP : 45,000 Next Level : 55,000 Favored Class : Fighter
Base -- Enhanced
018 (+04) 020 (+05) Strength
013 (+01) 013 (+01) Dexterity
016 (+03) 016 (+03) Constitution
014 (+02) 014 (+02) Intelligence
014 (+02) 014 (+02) Wisdom - - - Sanity : 56
010 (+00) 010 (+00) Charisma
Starting Gold : 49,000 gp Starting HP Calc: 8 + (0.75 * 8 * 5) + (0.75 * 10 * 2) + (0.75 * 12 * 2) + 30 - 10 = 8 + 30 + 15 + 18 + 30 - 20 = 81
HP : 081 (6d8 + 2d10 + 2d12 + 10*03 - 20) Fast Healing : ___ Regeneration : ___ (bypassed by: ______________________)
AC : 26 = (10 + 07 Arm + 05 Shi + 03 Dex/Con + __ Siz + __ Nat + 01 Def + __ Ins + __ Mnk + __ Per + __ Mor + __ Sac/Pro + __ Oth [____] + __ Oth [___] + __ Oth [___] + __ Oth [___] + __ Oth [___] + __ Oth [___] + __ Oth [___])
Touch AC : 19 Flat-Footed AC : 23 DR or Hardness : __/______
Circumstantial AC Bonuses : +4 dodge vs giants (Dwarf), +1 dodge vs. traps (Trap Sense)
Base Attack : +10/+05/+__/+__
Grapple : +15/+10/+__/+__ (+10/+05/+__/+__ BAB, +05 Str, ___ Siz, ___ Rac, ____ Oth [____], ____ Oth [____]) (+5 to resist being grappled [Shield Ward])
Base Speed : 30 Fly Speed/Maneuverability : _________(_________)
Swim Speed : ___ Climb Speed : ___ Burrow Speed : ___
Initiative : -05 = +01 Dex - 06 Oth [Unreactive] + __ Oth [___]
Encumbrance Limits
Light : Up to 101 lb. Medium : From 101 lb. to 201 lb. Heavy : From 201 lb. to 300 lb.
Lift over Head : 300 lbs. Lift off ground : 600 lbs.
Push/Drag : 0750/1500/3000 lbs (Unfavorable/Normal/Favorable Conditions)
Power Points : 000
+13 Fort = Base 10 + 03 Con + 00 Res + 00 Luc + 00 Comp
+08 Refl = Base 07 + 01 Dex + 00 Res + 00 Luc + 00 Comp
+06 Will = Base 04 + 02 Wis + 00 Res + 00 Luc + 00 Comp
Energy Resistances
Acid 05 Cold 00 Elec 05 Fire 00 Soni 00
Circumstantial Save Bonuses : +02 vs Poison (Bloodline), +02 vs Poison (Race), +2 vs Spells & spell-like effects (race), +01 Reflex vs Traps (Trap Sense)
Immunities : ________________________________________________
Spell Resistance : ____ Power Resistance : ____
Weapon Attack Grid
Options for all weapons
+1 to hit versus orcs & goblins, +2 damage vs aberrations (FE2), +4 damage vs. magical beasts (FE4)
Melee 1H or 2H Only: Can convert up to 10 points of attack into 10 damage (20 if wielded 2 handed) via Power Attack
+1 Masterwork Adamantine Hunting Dwarven Waraxe
(1d10 damage, 20/x3 crit, 1 Handed Exotic Slashing Magic Adamantine, ignores Hardness less than 20, +4 damage against favored enemies)
+16/+11 melee, 1d10+6 damage; 1d10+8 if used 2 handed.
Damage vs. Abberations: 1d10+12 (includes all bonuses) vs Magical Beasts 1d10+14 (iab)
+1 Masterwork Composite Longbow Mighty IV
(1d8 damage, 20/x3 crit, 2 Handed Missile Piercing Magic, Range Increment: 110 ft/x10 , +4 Str damage, Str 18 to pull w/o penalty)
+12/+07 missile, 1d8+5 damage
Ammunition Options : Adamantine (Adamantine, Ignores Hardness < 20), Cold Iron (Cold Iron), Silvered (Silver, -1 damage)
Masterwork Handaxe (1d6, 20/x3 crit, 1 Handed Light Slashing Cold Iron Masterwork)
Masterwork Handaxe (1d6, 20/x3 crit, 1 Handed Light Slashing Silvered Masterwork)
+16/+11 melee, 1d6+5 damage (-1 if using Silvered)
Masterwork Warhammer (1d8, 20/x3 crit, 1 Handed Bludgeon Cold Iron Masterwork)
Masterwork Warhammer (1d8, 20/x3 crit, 1 Handed Bludgeon Silvered Masterwork)
+16/+11 melee, 1d8+5 damage (-1 if using silvered) 1d8+7 damage if used in two hands
Masterwork Cold Iron Trident (1d8, 20/x2 crit, Reach 10, 1 Handed Piercing Cold Iron Masterwork)
+16/+11 melee 1d8+5 damage, Reach 10 ft, 1d8+7 if used in two hands
Masterwork Cold Iron Heavy Pick (1d6, 20/x4 crit, 6 lbs, 1 Handed Piercing Cold Iron Masterwork)
+16/+11 melee 1d6+5 damage, 1d6+8 damage in two hands
Unarmed Strike +15/+10 melee 1d3+5 bludgeoning subdual damage, provokes Attack of Opportunity OR
+11/+06 melee 1d3+5 bludgeoning lethal damage, provokes Attack of Opportunity
Armour, Shield and Weapon Proficiencies
All simple & martial weapons, all light armor, all non-tower shields, the dwarven waraxe and dwarven urgrosh
Languages Spoken
Automatic : Common, Dwarven
Int Bonus : Undercommon, Giant
Acquired :
Skills (Short Form)
+04 Balance, -01 Bluff (+01 vs Aberrations and Demons, +03 vs Magical Beasts), +08 Climb, -01 Diplomacy (+01 vs Demons), -01 Gather Information (+01 vs Demons), +12 Handle Animal (+16 with animal companion), +07 Heal, +16 Hide , +00 Intimidate (+02 vs Demons) +08 Jump, +07 Knowledge (Dungeoneering), +17 Listen (+19 vs Aberrations, +21 vs Magical Beasts), +14 Move Silently, +00 Perform (+02 vs Demons), +03 Ride, +02 Sense Motive (+04 vs Aberrations, +06 vs Magical Beasts), +17 Spot (+19 vs Aberrations, +21 vs Magical Beasts)
Survival : +15, +17 below ground. +2 more vs Aberrations, +4 more vs Magical Beasts (+15 to +21 depending on circumstances)
All others by stat mod and armor check penalty (-2) as appropriate.
Skill Tricks Known: Clarity of Vision, Healing Hands
Skill Master Grid
+02 Appraise (Int) 00 r + 02 Int
+XX Autohypnosis (Wis) (T) 00 r + 02 Wis
+04 Balance (Dex*) 05 r + 01 Dex - 02 ACP
-01 Bluff (Cha) 00 r + 00 Cha -01 Uncivilized
+08 Climb (Str*) 05 r + 05 Str - 02 ACP
+03 Concentration (Con) 00 r + 03 Con
+XX Control Shape (Wis) (T) 00 r + 02 Wis
+02 Craft (Untrained) (Int) 00 r + 02 Int
+XX Decipher Script (Int) (T) 00 r + 02 Int
-01 Diplomacy (Cha) 00 r + 00 Cha -1 Uncivilized
+XX Disable Device (Int) (T) 00 r + 02 Int
+00 Disguise (Cha) 00 r + 00 Cha
-01 Escape Artist (Dex*) 00 r + 01 Dex - 02 ACP
+02 Forgery (Int) 00 r + 02 Int
-01 Gather Information (Cha) 00 r + 00 Cha -1 Uncivilized
+12 Handle Animal (T) (Cha) 08 r + 00 Cha +1 Uncivilized +3 Skill Focus
+07 Heal (Wis) 05 r + 02 Wis
+16 Hide (Dex*) 13 r + 01 Dex - 02 ACP +02 Bloodline +02 Competence (Blueshine)
+00 Intimidate (Cha) 00 r + 00 Cha
+08 Jump (Str*) 05 r + 05 Str - 02 ACP
+XX Knowledge (Arcana) (Int) (T) 00 r + 02 Int
+XX Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) (Int) (T) 00 r + 02 Int
+07 Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int) (T) 05 r + 02 Int
+XX Knowledge (Forbidden Lore) (Int) (T) (Spec) 00 r + 02 Int
+XX Knowledge (Geography) (Int) (T) 00 r + 02 Int
+XX Knowledge (History) (Int) (T) 00 r + 02 Int
+XX Knowledge (Local) (Int) (T) 00 r + 02 Int
+XX Knowledge (Nature) (Int) (T) 00 r + 02 Int +02 Synergy [Survival]
+XX Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) (Int) (T) 00 r + 02 Int
+XX Knowledge (Psionics) (Int) (T) 00 r + 02 Int
+XX Knowledge (Religion) (Int) (T) 00 r + 02 Int
+XX Knowledge (The Planes) (Int) (T) 00 r + 02 Int
+XX Knowledge (_________) (Int) (T) 00 r + 02 Int
+17 Listen (Wis) 13 r + 02 Wis +02 Alertness
+14 Move Silently (Dex*) 13 r + 01 Dex - 02 ACP +02 Bloodline
+XX Open Lock (Dex) (T) 00 r + 01 Dex
+00 Perform (untrained) (Cha) 00 r + 00 Cha
+XX Profession (_________) (Wis) (T) 00 r + 02 Wis
+XX Psicraft (Int) (T) 00 r + 02 Int
+03 Ride (Dex) 00 r + 01 Dex - 02 ACP for fast mount/dismount only +02 Synergy [Handle Animal]
+02 Search (Int) 00 r + 02 Int
+02 Sense Motive (Wis) 00 r + 02 Wis
+XX Sleight of Hand (Dex*) (T) 00 r + 01 Dex
+XX Spellcraft (Int) (T) 00 r + 02 Int
+17 Spot (Wis) 13 r + 02 Wis +02 Alertness
+15 Survival (Wis) 13 r + 02 Wis +02 when Underground (Syn Kn [Dun])
+01 Swim (Str**) 00 r + 05 Str - 2x 02 ACP
+XX Tumble (Dex*) (T) 00 r + 01 Dex - 02 ACP +02 Synergy [Jump]
+XX Use Magic Device (Cha) (T) 00 r + 00 Cha
+XX Use Psionic Device (Cha) (T) 00 r + 00 Cha
+01 Use Rope (Dex) 00 r + 01 Dex
+11 Wild Empathy (Cha) 08 Lvl + 00 Cha + 01 Uncivilized +02 Synergy [Handle Animal] +04 with animal companion
Skill Tricks
Clarity of Vision - As a swift action, you can attempt a DC 20 Spot check. If successful, you focus your vision so clearly that you can pinpoint the location of invisible creatures within 30 feet. This clarity lasts until the end of your turn.
Healing Hands - If you succeed on a Heal check made to stabilize a dying character, that character also heals 1d6 points of damage.
Quick (+10 base speed, -1 hp at each level)
Uncivilized (+1 Handle Animal & Wild Empathy, -1 Bluff, Diplomacy & Gather Information)
Unreactive (Taken @ level 1) -6 Initiative
Frail (Taken @ level 5) -1 hp at each level
Character 1st: Shield Specialization (AC from shields increases by +1)
Flaw Feat 1st: Skill Focus (Handle Animal) (+3 to Handle Animal skill)
Ranger 1st: Track (Use Survival to follow tracks)
Bloodline 2nd : Power Attack (Trade up to BAB [+10] for equal damage; 2x damage if using 2H weapon)
Ranger 2nd: Combat Style (Archery) - Rapid Shot (Fire one extra time as part of full attack, all attacks at -2)
Character 3rd: Shield Ward (Shield AC counts vs touch, as bonus against bull rush, disarm, grapple, overrun or trip attempts on me)
Ranger 3rd: Endurance (Sleep in light/medium armor w/o fatigue, +4 to long term action checks, see p93 PHB)
Flaw Feat 5th: Natural Bond (Add 3 to your animal companion level, cannot exceed your character level).
Character 6th: Companion Spellbond (Share spells to 30 ft. Can cast touch spells as short range spells on animal companion only)
Ranger 6th: Improved Combat Style (Archery) - Manyshot (Standard action, fire 2 arrows at single target within 30 feet @ -4 to hit)
Beastmaster 2nd: Alertness (+2 Spot/Listen)
Character 9th: Active Shield Defense (no penalty to hit when fighting defensively. Still threaten when using full defensive)
Deepwarden 1: (Track) - redundant
Special Features (not already calculated in elsewhere)
Dwarf: Speed not reduced by armor or encumbrance
Dwarf: Darkvision 60 feet
Dwarf: Stonecunning (per p15 PHB)
Dwarf: Weapon Familiarity (Dwarven Waraxe, Dwarven Urgrosh)
Dwarf: +1 to hit orcs and goblinoids
Dwarf: Stability (+4 bonus to resist bull rushes and trips while firmly on the ground)
Dwarf: +2 to Appraise Stone & Metal and to Craft Stone & Metal
Bloodline : Demon Affinity (+2 to Bluff, Diplomacy, Gather Information, Intimidate and Perform checks to interact with demons)
Bloodline : Smite Good 1 / day (as a blackguard of my character level)
Ranger 1: Favored Enemy (Magical Beasts) +2 to Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, Survival and weapon damage rolls vs magical beasts
Ranger 1: Wild Empathy (Diplomacy for animals and really dumb magical beasts)
Ranger 4: Animal Companion (as Druid of 1/2 Ranger level)
Ranger 4: Divine Spellcasting (Ranger)
Ranger 5: Favored Enemy (Aberration) +2
Ranger 5: Favored Enemy (Magical Beasts) raised to +4
Beastmaster 1: Animal Companion (As Druid +3 + 1/2 Ranger level)
Beastmaster 1: Wild Empathy (adds to ranger levels)
Deepwarden 1: Trap Sense +1 (+1 dodge AC vs. traps, +1 Reflex saves vs traps)
Deepwarden 2: Stone Warden (Use Con in place of Dex for AC)
Spells / Powers Known :
Ranger List, Level 1
Caster/Manifester Level(s)
Effective Caster Level : 3rd (Rangers use 1/2 class level)
Spells Per Day
1st: 2
49000 gp
06170 gp +2 Masterwork Called Heavy Steel Shield (+2 Shield AC, +2 Enhancement Shield AC, -1 ACP, 15% ASFC, 15 lbs. Standard action to call it to you - it appears strapped on your arm if your arm is free to receive it.)
11700 gp +2 Mithril Called Blueshine Breastplate (+5 Armor AC, +2 Enhancement Armor AC, +5 MDex, -1 ACP, 15% ASFC, 15 lbs, Light, no rust, +2 competence to Hide. Standard action to call the armor to you; it appears on your body if you aren't wearing other armor.)
11330 gp +1 Masterwork Adamantine Hunting Dwarven Waraxe (1d10 damage, 20/x3 crit, 8 lbs, does an additional +4 damage against wielder's favored enemies, 1 Handed Exotic Slashing, +1 attack & damage)
02800 gp +1 Masterwork Composite Longbow Mighty IV (1d8 damage, 20/x3 crit, 3 lbs, 2 Handed Missile, RI: 110 ft, +1 attack & damage +4 Str damage)
00312 gp Masterwork Cold Iron Handaxe (1d6, 20/x3 crit, 3 lbs., 1 Handed Light Slashing, +1 attack)
00326 gp Masterwork Silvered Handaxe (1d6, 20/x3 crit, 3 lbs, 1 Handed Light Slashing, +1 attack, -1 damage)
00330 gp Masterwork Cold Iron Trident (1d8, 20/x2 crit, Reach 10, 4 lbs, 1 Handed Piercing, +1 attack)
00316 gp Masterwork Cold Iron Heavy Pick (1d6, 20/x4 crit, 6 lbs, 1 Handed Piercing, +1 attack)
00324 gp Masterwork Cold Iron Warhammer (1d8, 20/x3 crit, 5 lbs, 1 Handed Bludgeon, +1 attack)
00402 gp Masterwork Silvered Warhammer (1d8, 20/x3 crit, 5 lbs, 1 Handed Bludgeon, +1 attack, -1 damage)
02402 gp 40 Adamantine Arrows
00004 gp 40 Cold Iron Arrows
00082 gp 40 Silvered Arrows (-1 damage)
03600 gp 2 Quivers of Ehlonna (hold 120 arrows between them, plus incidental room per p265 DMG)
02000 gp Heward's Handy Haversack
02000 gp Ring of Protection +1
04000 gp Gauntlets of Ogre Power +2
00550 gp Masterwork Chain Shirt Bear Barding (x4 base cost; 100 x 4 + 150 [Mwk]) (Armor +4, MDex +4, ACP -1)
00150 gp Universal Solvent x3 (50 gp each)
00052 gp Adventurer's Kit (10' pole, spare explorer's outfit, mirror, 50' silk Rope, sacks for carrying loot, whetstone, flint & steel - basic stuff that a character with high Survival would want to have)
00150 gp Loose Coin (10 plat, 45 gold, 45 silver, 50 copper)
49000 gp alloted
48850 gp spent
00150 gp remaining
_10_ pp, _45_ gp, _45_ sp, _50_ cp Weight of Coin: _3__ lbs.
____ lbs on Char (including coin)
Total Dead Weight (Character + Gear) = ______ lbs.
Animal Companion: Ruzigar Gorut ["Ruth"]
Bear, Brown (Druid Level -7 for benefits purposes, so effective DL = 3)
Large Magical Beast [Augmented Animal]
Hit Dice: 8d8+32 (68 hp)
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 40 feet (8 squares)
Armor Class: 22 (-1 Size, +2 Dex, +7 Natural, +4 Armor [Chain Shirt Barding]), Touch 11, Flat-footed 20
Base Attack/Grapple: +6/+17
Attack: +14 melee (1d8+9)
Full Attack: 2 claws +14 melee (1d8+9) and bite +9 melee (2d6+4)
Face/Reach: 10 ft./05 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved Grab (claw) - free grapple w/o AoO
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent, Link, Share Spells, Evasion
Saves: Fort +10, Refl +7, Will +3
Abilities: Str 28 (+09), Dex 14 (+02), Con 19 (+04), Int 02 (-04), Wis 12 (+01), Cha 06 (-02)
Skills: Listen +6, Spot +7, Swim +13
Listen (5r, +1 Wis), Spot (6r, +1 wis), Swim (0r +9 str, +4 race)
Base Tricks (training): 6 - Bonus Tricks (Companion): 2
Feats: Endurance, Run, Track
Tricks Known: Underground Fighting Purpose (comprises these tricks: Attack, Defend, Down, Scent Fighting, Seek, and Heel. Scent Fighting is explained on p 131 Races of Stone).
Bonus Trick 1: Come (PHB pp 74-75)
Bonus Trick 2: Guard (PHB p. 75)
character build,