Aasimar Psychic Warrior (to be named)

Jun 10, 2007 03:31

((4d6 7 times, keep 6 sets, keep highest 3 in each.  Starting ECL 3 - 2700 starting gold.  Ptolus setting
Stats generated at Invisible Castle : http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1094507))

Background material here

Male Aasimar (Medium Outsider [Native]) Psychic Warrior 2
Age 21 - Height 5' 2" - Weight 125 lbs. - Hair Black - Eyes Brown
Distinguishing Features:
XP: 3000   Next Level At: 6000

Strength        17 (+3)  
Dexterity        15 (+2)
Constitution  12 (+1)
Intelligence   15 (+2)
Wisdom          20 (+5)
Charisma       14 (+2)

Starting Gold : 2700 gp
HP :  27  = [2d10+8] ((http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1094522))  [10 + 09 + 02 + 06]
AC : 19 (10 + 05 Arm + 02 Shi + 02 Dex + 00 Siz + 00 Nat + 00 Def + 00 Ins)
 Touch 12   Flat-Footed 17
Base Attack: +01  Grapple: +04 (+01 BAB, +03 Str, +00 Size)
Base Speed: 30 ft
Encumbrance Limits: Light < 87 lb, Medium 87-173 lb, Heavy 174-260 lb

Fortitude  +4 = Base 3 + 1 Con
Reflex +2 = Base 0 + 2 Dex
Will +5 = Base 0 + 5 Wis

Manifester Level: 2nd  Power Points / Day: 006  (001 Class + 005 Bonus from Wisdom)

Masterwork Warhammer +5 melee (1d8+3, 20/x3, 1H Bludgeoning)
Sickle +4 melee (1d6+3, 20/x2, Light Slashing)
Battleaxe +4 melee (1d8+3, 20/x3, 1H Slashing)
Longspear +4 melee (1d8+4, 20/x3, 2H Melee Reach 10 Piercing)
Heavy Pick +4 melee (1d6+3, 20/x4, 1H Melee Piercing)
  Any 1H weapon wielded 2H will do an additional point of damage.
Bite of the Wolf (Primary) +4 melee (1d8+3 20/x2, Natural)
Bite of the Wolf (Secondary) -1 Melee (1d8+1 20/x2, Natural)

+3 Str-rated Masterwork Composite Long Bow +4 missile (1d8+3, 20/x3, 110/x10Piercing)
  20 Cold Iron Arrows (3 lbs.)  Bypass Cold Iron DR
  20 Silvered Arrows (3 lbs, -1 Damage) Bypass Silver DR
  20 Arrows (1 gp, 3 lbs)
For any of the following, on a miss, use Throw Splash Weapon, p 158 PHB to determine where it lands
Acid Flask +3 ranged touch (1d6, 20/x2, 10/x5, Acid, Splash 1)
Alchemist Fire +3 ranged touch (1d6, 20/x2, 10/x5, Fire, Splash 1, Lingers)
Holy Water +3 ranged touch (2d4, 20/x2, 10/x5, Undead only, Splash 1 - Must be adjacent to use on incorporeal)
Thunderstone +3 ranged (10 foot spread, DC 15 Fort, or deafened 1 hour (-4 Init, 20% miscast, no hearing).  Target square is AC 5.)

Skills (Shorthand)
Autohypnosis +10; Concentration +9 / +13; Craft (Bowyer/Fletcher) +3; Knowledge (Psionics) +3; Listen +7 / +9; Sense Motive +7;  Spot +7 / +9; Tumble +2
All other skills per relevant Stat Mod and Armor Check Penalty as appropriate.

Appraise (Int) +2 = 0r +2 Int
Autohypnosis (Wis) (T) +10 = 5r + 5 Wis
Balance (Dex*) +1 = 0r + 2 Dex - 1 ACP
Bluff (Cha) +2 = 0r + 2 Cha
Climb (Str*) +2 = 0r + 3 Str + - 1 ACP
Concentration (Con) +9/+13 = 5r + 1 Con +3 Psicrystal : +4 to gain psionic focus
Craft (Bowyer/Fletcher) (Int) +3 = 1r + 2 Int
Craft (Untrained) (Int) +2 = 0r + 2 Int
Decipher Script (Int) (T) X = 0r + 2 Int
Diplomacy (Cha) +2 = 0r + 2 Cha
Disable Device (Int) (T) X = 0r + 2 Int
Disguise (Cha) +2 = 0r + 2 Cha
Escape Artist (Dex*) +1 = 0r + 2 Dex - 1 ACP
Forgery (Int) +2 = 0r + 2 Int
Gather Information (Cha) +2 = 0r + 2 Cha
Handle Animal (T) (Cha) X = 0r + 2 Cha
Heal (Wis) +5 = 0r + 5 Wis
Hide (Dex*) +1 = 0r + 2 Dex + - 1 ACP
Jump (Str*) +2 = 0r + 3 Str + - 1 ACP
Knowledge (Arcana) (Int) (T) X = 0r + 2 Int
Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) (Int) (T) X = 0r + 2 Int
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int) (T) X = 0r + 2 Int
Knowledge (Geography) (Int) (T) X = 0r + 2 Int
Knowledge (History) (Int) (T) X = 0r + 2 Int
Knowledge (Local) (Int) (T) X = 0r + 2 Int
Knowledge (Nature) (Int) (T) X = 0r + 2 Int
Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) (Int) (T) X = 0r + 2 Int
Knowledge (Psionics) (Int) (T) +3 = 1r + 2 Int
Knowledge (Religion) (Int) (T) X = 0r + 2 Int
Knowledge (The Planes) (Int) (T) X = 0r + 2 Int
Knowledge (_________) (Int) (T) X = 0r + 2 Int
Listen (Wis) +7/+9 = 0r + 5 Wis + 2 Race : +2 if psicrystal in arms' reach.
Move Silently (Dex*) +1 = 0r + 2 Dex + - 1 ACP
Open Lock (Dex) (T) X = 0r + 2 Dex
Perform (untrained) (Cha) +2 = 0r + 2 Cha
Profession (_________) (Wis) (T) X = 0r + 5 Wis
Psicraft (Int) (T) X = 0r + 2 Int
Ride (Dex) +2 = 0r + 2 Dex
Search (Int) +2 = 0r + 2 Int
Sense Motive (Wis) +7 = 2.5r + 5 Wis
Sleight of Hand (Dex*) (T) X = 0r + 2 Dex
Spellcraft (Int) (T) X = 0r + 2 Int
Spot (Wis) +7/+9 = 0r + 5 Wis + 2 Race : +2 if psicrystal in arms' reach.
Survival (Wis) +5 = 0r + 5 Wis
Swim (Str**) +1 = 0r + 3 Str + - 2x 1 ACP
Tumble (Dex*) (T) +2 = 1.5r + 2 Dex + - 1 ACP
Use Magic Device (Cha) (T) X = 0r + 2 Cha
Use Psionic Device (Cha) (T) X = 0r + 2 Cha
Use Rope (Dex) +2 = 0r + 2 Dex

All Simple and Martial Weapons
All Armor
All Shields (including Tower)

Character Level 1: Narrow Mind (+4 bonus to Concentration checks to become Psionically Focused) [Psionic]
Psychic Warrior Level 1 (bonus): Psionic Body (+2 hp for each Psionic feat you possess) [Psionic]
Psychic Warrior Level 2 (bonus): Psicrystal Affinity (You obtain a psicrystal) [Psionic]

Special Features
Daylight (Sp):  An Aasimar can use daylight once per day as a 1st level caster or a caster of his class levels, whichever is higher.
Darkvision 60 feet
Resistances : Acid 5  Cold 5  Electricity 5  Fire 0  Sonic 0 
Languages Known: Common, Celestial, Sylvan, Gnome
Favored Class: Paladin
Psicrystal: Single-Minded (+3 Concentration checks) - see Psicrystal section below
Alertness : Granted by Psicrystal while within arm's reach.

Powers Known
1st Level
Biofeedback (Gain DR 2/-) 1 PP - 1 standard - Material/Visual - Personal/You - 1 min/level (D) Augment: +1 DR per 3 pp.
Bite of the Wolf (Gain bite attack that does 1d8) 1 PP - 1 standard - Visual - Personal/You - 1 min/level.

Diminutive Construct
Hit Dice: 2  (hp 13)
Initiative: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares), climb 20 ft.*
Armor Class: 16 (+4 size, +2 Dex*), touch 16, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-17 (-5 Str, -12 Size)
Attack: -
Full Attack: -
Space/Reach: 1 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Construct traits, Hardness 8, Alertness, Improved Evasion, Single-minded Personality, Self-Propulsion, Share Powers, Sighted, Telepathic Link
Abilities: Str 01*, Dex 15*, Con -, Int 06, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Autohypnosis +5 (5 ranks(m), +0 Wis); Climb +10* (+8 Race, +2 Dex); Concentration +5 (5 ranks(m), -- Con); Craft (Bowyer/Fletcher) -1 (+1 rank(m), -2 Int), Knowledge (psionics) -1 (1 rank(m), -2 Int); Listen +6 (4 ranks, +0 Wis, +2 Alertness), Move Silently +6 (4 ranks, +2 Dex), Search +2 (4 ranks, -2 Int); Sense Motive +2 (2.5 ranks(m), +0 Wis); Spot +6 (4 ranks, +0 Wis, +2 Alertness); Tumble +3* (1 rank(m), +2 Dex)
Feats: Alertness
* With self-propulsion ability activated.

Construct Traits: Immunity to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, death effects, necromancy effects, mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless it also works on objects or is harmless.  It is not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain.  It cannot heal damage, but can be repaired.  Psicrystals do not have the usual construct traits of darkvision or low-light vision.

Improved Evasion (Ex): On a successful Reflex save against an effect that would normally cause half damage, take no damage.  If the save fails, take only half damage.

Self-Propulsion (Su): Owner gives standard action, crystal forms spidery ectoplasmic legs that grant it the movement speeds listed above.  These legs last for one day or until the owner orders them to dissipate.

Share Powers (Su): Any power the owner manifests on himself may be shared with the psicrystal.  This effect functions identically to the familiar ability Share Spells

Sighted (Ex): Although it has no physical sensory organs, a psicrystal can telepathically sense its environment as well as a creature with normal vision and hearing.  Darkness (even supernatural darkness) is irrelevant, as are areas of supernatural silence, though a psicrystal still can't discern invisible or ethereal beings.  A psicrystal's sighted range is 40 feet.

Telepathic Link (Su): The owner has a telepathic link with his psicrystal to a distance of up to 1 mile.  The owner cannot see through the psicrystal's senses, but the two of them can communicate telepathically as if the psicrystal were the target of a mindlink power manifested by the owner.  For instance, a psicrystal placed in a distant room could relay the activities occuring in that room.  Because of this link, the owner has the same connection to an item or place that the psicrystal does.

Skills: A psicrystal (with its self-propulsion ability activated) uses its Dexterity modifier instead of its Strength modifier on Climb checks.  It has a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10, even if rushed or threatened.

Artisan's Outfit (free, not counted against weight, 4 lbs)
Mithril Breastplate (1200 gp: +5 Armor, +5 Max Dex, -1 ACP, 15% ASF, Speed 30, Weight 15 lbs.)
Darkwood Heavy Shield (257 gp: +2 Shield, 0 ACP, 15% ASF, Weight 5 lbs.)
+3 Str-rated Masterwork Composite Long Bow (700 gp; 1d8, 20/x3, 2H Missile, 110/x10, 3 lbs.  Piercing)
20 Cold Iron Arrows (2 gp, 3 lbs.)
20 Silvered Arrows (41 gp, 3 lbs, -1 Damage)
20 Arrows (1 gp, 3 lbs)
Masterwork Warhammer (312 gp; 1d8, 20/x3, 1H Melee, 5 lbs. Bludgeoning)
Sickle (6 gp, 1d6, 20/x2, Light Melee, 2 lbs, Slashing)
Battleaxe (10 gp; 1d8, 20/x3, 1H Melee, 6 lbs. Slashing)
Longspear (5 gp; 1d8, 20/x3, 2H Melee Reach 10, 9 lbs, Piercing)
Heavy Pick (8 gp; 1d6, 20/x4, 1H Melee, 6 lbs, Piercing)
Backpack (2 gp, 2 lbs)
Bedroll (5 sp, 5 lbs)
Map Case (1 gp, 0.5 lbs)
1 piece chalk (1 cp, -)
Crowbar (2 gp, 5 lbs)
Flint and Steel (1 gp, -)
5 Sunrods (10 gp; 5 lbs)
2 flasks acid (20 gp; 2 lbs)
2 flasks alchemist's fire (40 gp; 2 lbs)
2 flasks holy water (50 gp; 2 lbs)
1 thunderstone (30 gp; 1 lb)

00 pp, 02 gp, 04 sp, 09 cp

84.82  lbs on Char (including coin)

Total Weight (Character + Gear) = 209.82 lbs.

character build, pbp

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