Wikileaks botnet attacks

Dec 13, 2010 12:52

All civil disobedience, and let's be honest here for disobedience this is pretty civil, has its roots in breaking the status quo. While I'm not going to claim that this has the same gravity as the civil rights movement in America, please do remember that Rosa parks was a criminal by the laws of her own time. So yes, what Anonymous is doing is illegal, but legality is not synonymous with right or ethical. Thomas Walden, Rosa Parks, Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, etc, they all broke the law in the name of freedom. I'd even dare to say that the only way to wrest freedom from the grips of those who have control is to break the law, for the law itself is usually the very thing limiting the freedom of those who crave it. In the end, no civil liberty has ever been gotten without fighting the powers that be.

Or to put it another way, the American Revolution was fought by a bunch of criminals who decided freedom was worth more than talk, it was worth fighting, and possibly being killed for. The ddos attacks aren't the same as picking up a rifle to fight the redcoats, but maybe it is close to saying you're tired and not going to sit at the back of the bus anymore.


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