(no subject)

Jul 19, 2009 16:30

The following poem was written by hexpiritus and I want more people to see it. It's hard, but beautiful.

Sticks and stones may break my bones
And words can cut and hurt me
But if I know I’m not alone
Then my strength won’t desert me

She is sitting in a bathroom stall, holding her insides in
Cradling her guts in her arms, waiting for the slaughter to begin
She knows it’s too late
They’ve got her surrounded
She’s got nothing left to do
Just let the crowd in
And take her

He’s standing by the door, getting ready to gear up
He puts each armor plate in place, helmet down, fear tucked
Deep inside metal and machine
They can’t touch him here
Covered up, unseen
To face them

How did she get to this place? She wonders.
It began with a swarm, of dead flesh and stark hunger
Ambushed, slammed, pushed-she started fighting
Drew her sword, steel flashing white lightning
Cut them to pieces but still they kept coming
And now she’s grown tired, tired of running

How did he get to this place? He wonders.
In a suit of mecha, marching down the street like thunder
They launch missiles at him, but they bounce off his shields
Damage done to the outer core, but he adjusts his data fields
The enemy gathers their forces, amassing might and clout
He has to leave his armor sometime, and so they’ll wait him out

All alone she kneels, her blade pressed to her skin
Cuz she’d rather die with dignity then have any of them win
She’d rather let her blood run out and take off her own head
Before they make her just like them-- unrelenting, cold, undead

And the tanks, the jet fighters, the bombs and the blasts
They hound him through city rubble, his shields failing at last
In one final attempt, he seeks refuge in the forbidden
Hoping they won’t follow, hoping he’ll stay hidden

And she comes out, a warrior, ready for seppuku and jigai
And he climbs down from his mecha suit, confused and wide-eyed

She says: “What the hell are you doing in the girl’s washroom?”
He says: “Why are you standing there holding a knife to your wrist?”

And they look at each other and see the bruises, the blisters,
His broken glasses, trash in his hair, and the scrapes on her fists

And they look at each other, and slowly, so tentative
She reaches out her hand, and he looks at it, contemplative
“I’ll protect you,” she whispers, “I know how to fight.”
But he shakes his head while he squeezes her hand tight.

“I know what’s outside, and what’s waiting for us
It’s not like TV or the movies or the comic books
Sometimes the grown-ups can’t come, sometimes we’re left on our own
Sometimes there are too many zombies or robotic drones

And I know we’re good kids and we’ve done nothing wrong
We just look different and dance to different songs
Sometimes you have to stop fighting, or running, and hold your head high
Sometimes you have to be the example, by ignoring their lies

Cuz sticks and stones may break my bones
And words can cut and hurt me
But if I know I’m not alone
Then my strength won’t desert me”

And with that, they walked hand in hand, outside.

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