MARCH 2011
001 ♠ HOLO ♠ ARRIVAL → Puck's arrival in Taxon, being guided into the city by helpful people.
APRIL 2011
002 ♠ ACTION ♠ LOCATION: CENTRAL → Puck goes wandering through Central to see if he can get some answers.
MAY 2011
003 ♠ HOLO → Puck is greatly annoyed by the random gibberish being broadcast on the radio.
004 ♠ ACTION ♠ LOCATION: SANCTUARY | Closed Log → Puck is approached by Liz Parker in regards to his living arrangements and getting to know the city.
005 ♠ ACTION ♠ LOCATION: Pedestrian Plaza → During the city-wide silence glitch, Puck decides to people watch in a public place for something to do.
JUNE 2011
006 ♠ TEXT ♠ Nostalgia → Thinking about the imminent Summer Solstice, Puck accidentally broadcasts part of a poem.
JUNE 2011
006 ♠ TEXT ♠ Nostalgia → Thinking about the imminent Summer Solstice, Puck accidentally broadcasts part of a poem.
JULY 2011
007 ♠ TEXT + VOICE ♠ Home and Hearth → Puck tries to get himself another job interview for kitty-sitting, and asks Kurt about his glee club project.
007 ♠ TEXT + VOICE ♠ Home and Hearth → Puck tries to get himself another job interview for kitty-sitting, and asks Kurt about his glee club project.
008 ♠ [LOCATION: VARIOUS] ♠ Let's Start A Riot → Furious at all the disappearances, Puck hatches a lot of alcohol and goes on a drunken rampage.
009 ♠ [VISUAL] ♠ Unwelcome Morning After → Horribly hungover from his binge, Puck tries to figure out who's left in the city and find his missing guitar.
tagged posts
APRIL 2011
04/17/11 - [4TH WALL] Amused by
mercenaryacare's forthright approach to looking for sex.
MAY 2011
05/03/11 - Warning
verylittlesugar to stay away from men who like little girls in dresses.
05/03/11 - Unconcerned and a little assholish reaction to
smecker being attacked by a vampire, Dawn Summers.
05/06/11 - Mocking
cheerioless for her verbal resume while looking for work in the city.
05/20/11 - Talking with
slaying about her glitched sister Dawn not supposed to be a vampire.
05/21/11 - Pinged and talking with
likealexander about being familiar with animals, this one a large feline.
05/22/11 - Intending to ask
tothelibrary about being glitched, and also to tell her to leave Mattie alone.
JUNE 2011
06/06/11 - Mocking
cheerioless for being bitten by a vampire.
06/10/11 - Hugely skeptical at
entractes for proposing a glee club in Taxon.
06/10/11 - Informing
undoing that telling humans not to be afraid of vampires is pointless.
06/13/11 - Almost getting himself into a confrontation with a glitched
rose_tainted as she became a vampire.
06/19/11 - Laughing at
virtued for not being able to figure out whose tablet he has.
JULY 2011
07/03/11 - Showing up unannounced at
cametolife's restaurant, though he's not entirely sure why.
07/11/11 - Appalled to discover that
saucyspinster has taken the child's place.
08/01/11 - Puck wonders why some of
flochart have shown up with a suggestion box.
08/13/11 - Puck takes badly the news from
selfmadman that Mattie has left the city.
09/06/11 - Understandably skeptical when
smecker proposes a luncheon in order to help repair the city's interpersonal skills.
Older Tagged Posts
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