Jan 09, 2005 15:11
Talk about new years resolutions! Paula and I started going back to church on Sundays! The best part is that the church isn't burnt to the ground. We went to the Stewart Memorial United Methodist Church for 10am worship. It was nice to go back to church. Poor Paula didn't really know what to do, but i am sure she will come around. The Reverend was very warm and welcoming. He introduced us to most of the congregation that came in. There isnt many people there, but i am sure that 2 more didnt hurt! We also found out today that Jim Byerly, our old landlord, has passed away. We were friends with him and his wife even though we were tennants. We found out that Jim passed away on November 9, 2004. There was a memeorial service today, but i didnt go. I even woke up this morning crying because i had a dream about grandpa. I just can't go and bear this pain all over again.