May 24, 2006 23:30
Dug out my old desert boonie hat from Iraq. Forgot I had written some ramblings on the bill of it. Eh, they're kinda stupid, but they're there. Figured I'd toss them up for no other reason than.. Well.. They take up a post. I was in a weird mood when I spewed them forth, and it ended up being some kinda weird-ass poetry crap.
"Take this Soul that I guard,
Into Death without Mar.
For though his Soul be doth Black,
Through his Heart he's been led back.
Nothing hidden from what is Cast,
Into Fate he walks at last.
Into Dark he's led by Light,
To fight his Fight in Forever Night."
Eh, that one was supposed to be something about how the bible says 'Thou shalt not kill' and not 'Thou shalt not kill, unless ordered to.' Not that I regret anything I did, or that I would change it. Hell, I pretty much had fun, except for the first time I got shot at. Just kinda caught my attention and, well, after 5 months staring at sand through a gas mask and a MOPP suit, you'll kinda fixate on anything. And the 'Black' thing, eh, that's the sin of killing, though the 'Heart' line is the intent to do good by it and not totally losing yourself to the act of the sin.
"Forward through Shot and Shell,
We fought our way to the Gates of Hell.
And though we fought Hard and True,
We were Bled through and through.
Into Darkness we struck True and Through,
And we found His blood to be of Human Hue."
That one, I'm not really too sure about anymore.. I know it started out as going with the 'Death before dishonor' ideal in the Marines, and killing scum of the Earth human beings. 'His' being basically.. well.. Satan. Evil, ect, whatever. And the 'Human Hue' being that people are capable of things that you'd only expect the most evil of things to do.
Like, oh, gas your own people and bury them in shallow graves in the desert. Ya know, things along those lines.
Anyway, it's goofy, and kinda.. Eh.. Gay, I suppose. Don't know a better word to use. But, hey, I kinda cracked in the head for a while there.