Well all I'm back with nothing much of an update. Yup yup.. I'm here and I am alive. So, for the time being I've just been filing income taxes and managing some of the cashflow of the household (as a side note things don't look too bright). And, I have been busy boxing with the federal loan folks to try and get money for school (as it currently stands I have $225 for school... which came as reimbursement for my last year's security deposit, lawl!). Any who, so yeah I've been spending every other morning calling up random departments in BSU and in the feddies' houses.
Moving on, as some of you may know we have a new member of the family. Yes, Patty (my aunt) has finally remarried. The guy's name is Todd and he's pretty cool, but it's still somewhat awkward at the house simply because he randomly moved in. On the other hand, Tasha (my aunt's daughter.. *shiver*) has not been freakin' out like most of us thought she would, so it's been okay.
So yeah... not much has really been happening. Although I am overly excited for AX07 and there is David's (Harvey) birthday in a little while. Yup, I am here posting simply because it is the thing to do...
OH!! P.S. I might wanna DM a Final Fantasy Ivalice (think Final Fantasy Tactics/Final Fantasy XII world) campaign as my thing when I get back for a short period of time (and hopefully during Fall 07 in Boise too). Yeah, I think it would be random fun because we're talkin' airships, moogles, viera, guns, gunblades, and limit breaks (eh... scratch the latter one..). I've kind of been working on getting player race stats down so for a quick preview go here:
http://ivaliced20.blogspot.com/ Post OVER