Aug 08, 2009 23:40
So I went to see G.I Joe tonight. I'll not lie, it spoke to the 7 year old inside me like no movie has ever done before. I literally go everything I went there to see and more.
-The phrase "Now we know....and knowing is half the battle!"
-So many vehicles that there will be new Joe toys for years.
-Explosions.....oh so many explosions.
-Ninja fights!
---Bonus: Snake Eyes kept his mouth shut all movie long!
-Laser guided, computer programmed, exploding crossbow bolts.
---No really, all of that.
-Kung Fu grip!
-A real honest to God cobra!
And more, so much more. The adult side of me is totally convinced this was a terrible movie, but the kid in me doesn't care one bit. This movie was awesome and anyone who says otherwise has forgotten what it's like to be a kid. For shame on you! Shaaaame!