On June 4th, 2004 a man from Gramby, Colorado armored a bulldozer and, in a fit of crazy revenge, turned it on the town to the tune of $7,000,000 in damages. After his rampage he shot himself.
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On June 4th, 2008 a young boy paid tribute to that man's most epic style of vengeance by making a mini Killdozer and sending it on a second rampage through town. His video was masterful and I love it.
You can watch this video on www.livejournal.com
Honestly, this is the kind of public destruction I can get behind if you're going to go crazy. Seven million in damages and not a single life lost save for the culprit who only shot himself because he had welded the doors shut and was effectively stuck in the Killdozer until someone cut him out of it.
In lieu of a mecha this Christmas, I want a mini Killdozer of my own.