Other Characters

Sep 01, 2008 22:37

Various thoughts on other characters from the same -verse...mostly from Bak's pov. List subject to change as I add on more people...this is all I could think that fit right now. XD


Komui Lee
Age: 19
Innocence: Central Core (hardwires to anything remotely mechanical and takes over)
Special Item: Komurin EX (Central Core is its heart)
Stats: This Komui is a science engineer, forever tinkering with robots/mechanics, especially the Komurin series, which he uses to battle Akuma. Unfortunately he causes just as much destruction as Bak, who has a love/hate relationship with him. Komui's quite fond of Bak; in fact he finds him quite amusing, but Bak is forever keeping an eye on him because he has a talent for getting into troublesome situations. They often go on missions together, usually with disastrous results aka massive amounts of damage to the surrounding area.

Reever Wenhamm
Age: 16
Innocence: Salvatore (Parasitic Gun-type)
Stats: One of the youngest exorcists. Komui's best friend. He and Bak get along rather well on the basis that neither live to wind the other up...and they share a mutual exasperation for Komui's antics. Call it bonding if you will. XD

Age: 30
Occupation: Bookman/Exorcist
Innocence: Hammer
Stats: A Bookman who joined the Order to record the hidden side of history, though you wouldn't know it, with the slack/jokey way that he carries on. Lavi is attached to the people at the Order - it is a major failing as a Bookman. He used to follow Bak around, calling him 'princeling', which prompted Bak to wonder just how he got the job to begin with.

Leander (kid!Bookman)
Age: 10
Occupation: Bookman-in-training/Exorcist
Innocence: Heaven Compass
Stats: Kiddie Bookman was probably dozens of times smarter than Lavi is now at age 5, and now is no exception. He seems more on the ball than his predecessor and as Lavi always complains, he acts like an 80 yr old man rather than a kid. Also...his hair can never lie flat for the life of him, but he likes it that way.

Cross Marian
Age: Unknown (Looks in his early 20s)
Innocence: Judgement
Stats: Cross is a young Exorcist who's grown up in the Order alongside Komui, Bak, Reever, and company, but there are a number of mysteries about him. He tends to come and go frequently on his own shady business, even when he's mid-mission -- but never fear, he has a knack for showing up at just the right moment to save your ass. Cross spent a lot of time running missions out of the Order's North American branch when he was a young teen; few people have ever seen just what lies underneath that half-mask, but one person who might have -- another young Exorcist named Maria who was in training at the American branch -- is no longer among the living. Exactly how and why she died is a matter shrouded in mystery; you'll be hard-pressed to get Cross to admit he ever knew anyone by that name, let alone anything else about her. At present he's been operating mostly out of Order HQ in England, enjoying his usual routine of running missions, stalking pretty ladies, flirting with Komui or anyone else who catches his eye, and generally getting into mischief.
(Backstory courtesy of crucifixbullet)

Klaud Nine
Age: 19
Innocence: Lau Jimin
Stats: Beautiful, untouchable Klaud scares the bejeezus out of Bak. Oh he likes her well enough, but she's a pretty scary lady, especially with that whip. He'd also like to know WTF is up with that monkey of hers.

Winters Zocalo
Age: 20
Innocence: Madness
Stats: Quite frankly Bak thinks he should probably be in a mental instituition than out on the battlefield. Or probably off fighting a proper war, one with lots of non-virus-y blood...he'd probably like that.

Froi Tiedoll
Age: 22
Innocence: Maker of Eden
Stats: The young, soulful artist. He often hangs out with Cross discussing their generals. Froi calls Kanda 'dad', despite the man only being 10 years older than him, and Bak doesn't blame the General one bit for being freaked out by all this over-affection.

Daisya Barry
Age: 19
Innocence: Charity Bell
Stats: Exactly the same as his canon counterpart. He gets along well with Komui, and they often sit around talking about giant robots of death, much to the horror of both Bak and Reever...and anyone else in the general vicinity.

Suman Dark
Age: 23
Innocence: Parasitic/Right Arm
Stats: He left his family for the Order, so oft times he is quiet and withdrawn. He is good friends with Johnny, and practices marksmanship with Reever during training sessions. Bak doesn't talk to him much because he's spent his whole life in the Order, so he doesn't quite know how to react to his angst.

Chaoji Han
Age: 25
Innocence: Super-strength-giving bracelet...thing?
Stats: Bak doesn't think too much of Chaoji other than the fleeting thought that they'd let anyone become an exorcist these days, though he really is one to talk, being a klutz and all. XD Older!Chaoji is a well-respected mentor to the younger exorcists, patient and wise, all the things Bak is not which is maybe why he doesn't like him so much? lol



Allen Walker
Age: 27
Innocence: Crown Clown
Stats: The youngest general in the Order. A true English gentleman. Bak has great respect for him, though he was a little disturbed by the general's dark side, and that's including his card shark skills. Many rumours in the Order fly by this one general, especially when it comes to talk about defeating the Earl.

Yu Kanda
Age: 30
Innocence: Mugen
Stats: General-Hardass. Kanda is grumpy and quick to temper and seems to have some sort of grudge against Allen. That aside, Bak doesn't take to his rudeness all too well, but that's mostly rudeness specific to him. XD Kanda could care less about his lineage.

Miranda Lotto
Age: 35
Innocence: Time Record
Stats: Her Innocence is certainly unbelievably amazing, but Bak has to wonder whatever happened to such a sweet, quiet woman to make her apologize profusely whenever she does something even slightly wrong. He rather likes Miranda though, especially her tender, motherly nature because it seems so out of place for a General.

Arystar Krory
Age: 38
Innocence: Teeth (Parasite-type, nameless)
Stats: Rumour has it that he was in love with an Akuma once. But then people also say he's a vampire. Bak doesn't believe in ghosts but he knows a romantic when he sees one, and this man's capacity for love is mind-boggling. Komui likes sneaking away his romance novels to read and 'lol' over in his spare time. He seems especially close to Allen and Lavi.

Noise Marie
Age: 38
Innocence: Noel Organon
Stats: He's the only one who can even remotely control Kanda, or at least the only one that understands why he does the things he does. Noise is wise General and all the exorcists look up to him. He also has a soft spot for Miranda.


Support Services

Lenalee Lee
Age: 28
Occupation: Head Officer of the Black Order
Medical Dept. (HQ Chief)
Stats: Komui's older sister. She runs the Black Order with such care and devotion that many of the staff call her the 'Heart' of the Order. She sends all the regular exorcists on their missions to retrieve the Innocence. She's also the head doctor in the medical department. Lenalee is a kind woman with an iron fist who puts her family and friends above all else, and for that Bak has great respect for her. And a pretty big crush, but don't let Komui hear you say that.

Sammo Han Wong
Age: 65
Occupation: Bak’s personal assistant
Science Dept. (Chief)
Stats: Wong has been at Bak's side since he was born, and was his guardian in his childhood. As such he followed him to HQ when he became an exorcist to keep an eye on him. To do this he took up the post as Chief of the Science Department, which Bak finds more than a little ironic, because that had been his dream, once upon a time. Wong acts like a proxy parent more than a servant at times, though his tendency to worry himself into a fit is more than Bak can bear sometimes.

Age: Unknown (probably over 100)
Occupation: Personal Guardian
Stats: A fae. Her people struck a deal with Bak's great-grandfather in order to guard the Asia Branch. Fou is Bak's personal guardian rather than the Branch guardian in this 'verse, and as she has known Bak all his life, the two of them are very close. The Gate is still there, though it is guarded by strong faerie magic rather than a deity. Being a fae, Fou is only around six inches tall, so she is able to accompany Bak on his missions. This is also due to the Gate Fragment he has with him, and though she often makes fun of him and kicks him around, his blood is still a seal that controls her. She's got little wings that she uses to fly around with, and often sits on Bak's head or bites him when he's being an idiot. She can also magically amplify her voice, so you can guess who wins their shouting matches. As such Fou is a powerful, non-Innocence weapon at Bak's disposal during his battles. As much as she teases him, she is also his closest confidant, like the big sister who bullies her baby brother one moment and gives him a big hug the next. She and Komui get along like two peas in a pod, united in their Bak-teasing antics, much to Bak's own horror. This Fou also has a crush on her charge, a little one, though she'd rather die than admit it to him EVER.

Age: 24
Occupation: Asia Branch Director
Medical Dept. (Asia Branch Chief)
Stats: Bak was originally slated to be the heir of the Asia Branch, but after he became an exorcist he could no longer stay in China, so another illustrious family supporting the Church took over. Bak has known Anita since childhood, and she's like the sweet, older sister he never had. Anita and Lenalee get along amazingly well as doctors in the medical field and though she is headstrong and emotional, Anita is an excellent Branch Director. She seems to be in love with Cross Marian, though Bak can't think WHY for the life of him.

Age: 30
Occupation: Assistant Director (Asia Branch)
Security Dept.
Stats: Anita's second-in-command. Mahoja taught Bak the skills of martial arts when he was a kid, so he could defend himself and the Branch if the need ever arose, but now it comes in handy in his battles with the akuma. Mahoja has been with Anita for life and like Wong, she is both a servant and an assistant, so she is extremely loyal to her mistress. Bak remembers being terrified of her size and her temper as a child.

Lou Fa, Rikei and Shifu
Age: 28, 29 and 29
Occupation: Scientists
Science Dept.
Stats: Scientists who transferred over from the Asia Branch. As such Bak knows them very well, though they often tease him and call him 'princeling/your highness' in reference to his bratty, royal nature as a child, much to Bak's own chagrin and embarrassment. He is also a bit disturbed that Lou Fa has a crush on General Walker.

Age: 22
Occupation: Chef
Logistics Dept.
Stats: The Head Chef of the Black Order HQ. Despite his age he is very skilled in the kitchen. He is also one of Komui's closest friends, for reasons Bak can't quite comprehend. Jerry finds him adorable and sweet, and is always chatting him up, especially in odd conversations about Komui that he'd rather not be having with ANYONE, let alone a chatterbox okama. In short, Jerry creeps him out. A lot.

Johnny, Tapp, Rob and Marvin
Age: 17 - early-20s between them
Occupation: Apprentice Scientists
Science Dept.
Stats: Apprenctice scientists who often get together to conduct strange, wacky experiments. Apparently Komui is their ring-leader and they are completely utterly loyal to him. Bak can't imagine why - personally he's had enough of having to drag Komui out of smoking labs after experiments went awry. And Reever's a science nut himself, so he really is no help.

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