(no subject)

Mar 26, 2006 12:14

last night was nuts
Amber was awesome, especially in contrast to her friend.
it seems to be a trend that every night I DD, someone throws up in an inappropriate place.
And I'm there to have to clean it up, but shh I won't tell

I decided that my 21st birthday will have NOTHING to do with the General, Firehouse, Classic City, or any of the like
I like Walker's, Amici, Little King's, Copper Creek and so on
if I feel like dancing, I hear Go Bar is good
everyone will have IDs, no more of this passing back

on another note, I am the luckiest girl in the world
I have friends who will take care of me, as I did them last night
I have a boy who is real, and true, and not one who will sneak up on a girl in a bar and begin rubbing on her and pass it off as dancing (sleazball!)
and I am real, and true, and I will no longer be jealous or at all admire the lives of thoes who are more well off in this town
because it seems that they are the one's who show up at Firehouse, Classic City etc. in hopes of finding a boy who will uninvitedly dance and possible buy a few drinks, and take them home...
I know that this is not true for all, but it is popular enough for me to know how to stay away from it! Yuck!

I had a good time, which is surprising. I love my friends (not always their friends though). I know that one day these favors will be repaid.
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