Title: Turn Up the Fakes and Lies
Author:iron_fist123 and vinvy
Pairing: eventual Frank/Gerard
Rating: R (for language)
Word Count: 2644
Summary: "So whats with the kid?"... "When we got in the car earlier she was just curled up in the back asleep. ...I'm pretty sure they were testing something on her."
Warnings: Violence, profanity, centipedes, etc.
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Yay, Frank gets named. XD Poison is just so fantastic, he does what he wants. Kobra's such a douche, oh I love it. (Kobra Kid, are you jeeaaallluuussss? ;) Dr. D! Frank! Poison! Ahahaha, I love this fic! :rolls around in it:
Music! yay! I imagine the stuff they get in BLI would be much like today's canned pop (Disney starlets ALL THE TIME. DDDDDD:
Show Pony! The mental image of him glomping Frank is just hilarious! Oh man I love everything about this fic. So fantastic. The interaction and banter is just spot on! And Poison's making ~eyes at Frankie. Heehee!
Kobra's douchey self is my favorite right now, love him so much.
I thought that BLI's stuff would just be a lot of annoying elevator music. XD
More soon. :D
I thought that BLI's stuff would just be a lot of annoying elevator music.
LOL, now I'm imagining that playing in an elevator as the Killjoys ride up to storm BLI. Then Kobra hacks it and they have a proper soundtrack. XD Auditory terrorism FTW! XD
Haha, now that's all I'm ever gonna picture during the Sing video.
Haha, now that's all I'm ever gonna picture during the Sing video.
omg that's terrible. XD have this instead: http://lookscanbdecving.tumblr.com/post/2190044464/zaurorax-s-c-a-r-e-c-r-o-w-put-over-the-sing
Love the contrast of the dreamy quality of the song paired with last stand raygun battle.
Yeah, I saw that on Tumblr, I love that. It's kind of scary how well it fits. It might fit better than Sing does. O_o
Yah, I think SCARECROW fits it better. I understand the thing about timing events to certain bits of the music, but I just really enjoyed the contrast. Plus, I was ALL WUT NO THEY CANNOT ALL DIE NO DNW DNW DNW. (And then I wrote a sorta crossover with Highlander \o? And there's a plot bunny cyborg hopping around?)
Highlander crossover?
/o\ It's one of the drabbles I've scribbled in my computer and have not posted (might make it part of a 5 things fic). My brain is such that it wants to crossover Killjoys with basically all my other fandoms. The Highlander bit is very oblique, I've never watched it, just read crossovers with it. Basically the Killjoys wake up in BLI in the morgue/labs/whatever. They were dead, but they got better! XP And then Fun Ghoul gets dusted and they're all DDDDD: and then O WAIT he's totes fine and they're all :OOOOO Then there's an argument and Fun Ghoul shoots Kobra to get him to shut up and oh hey, they're all unkilleable. \o/
Ahahaha, that sounds kind of really amazing.
Now to write 2-3 more ficlets, and I'll likely post 'em. Ha, you think that one's amazing, I'm plotting one out with CYBORGS. XD IDEK about the plot, but I'm all YES OMG AWESOME.
I'll say it again. I LOVE YOU GUYS. YOU ARE THE BESTEST! :D Awesome plotty fic with great banter and chracterization, and updates multiple times a week! Heaven!
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