No One Says "I Love You"
Word Count: 189
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I can't own anything. The pygmies and debt collectors own me.
Summary: The truth unravels. But no one says "I love you."
Pairings: Tony/Pepper
Author's Note: Now, this... this was fun. Part of a multi-fandom drabble set I did. Some of these shows I've never written for before, and I haven't watched them in years, either. Oops. But I think I did okay.
She Knew
“You don't just run my life, you know,” he told her. She nodded absently, pushing her bangs out of her eyes as she tried to concentrate on her blackberry. He had meetings all day tomorrow, and knowing him, he'd tell her to cancel them all. She knew that it didn't matter how perfect the schedule was, how important the meeting was, Tony Stark was not a man who let others tell him where to be or when.
“I mean it,” he went on, standing up and cleaning his hands of his latest repair to his suit. “You don't just run my life.”
“I know,” she agreed, and quickly canceled all of the meetings. She knew there was no point in even trying to tell him he had them tomorrow. He wouldn't go. And it was easier to reschedule now than at the last minute tomorrow.”
“I don't think you do. Not completely,” he disagreed, forcing the blackberry away from her eyes. “I might have said you run my life, but that's not it, Pepper. You don't run my life. You-“
She put a finger to his lips. “I know.”