I feel bad that we didn't even get a note or anything to Bobby before we beat it. I hope what I gave Dawn was useful-- all that scrawling nonsense about the leprechauns and shit. I'm lucky I even grabbed my laptop we left so fast.
We're going to see Missouri. Dean seems to think she'll know what the fuck's going on, although all I can ascertain
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He figured any possible Willow contact could wait a few minutes.
"Are we going to play 100 Questions or something? Because I can tell you right now you won't win. There hasn't been a person yet who can out-question the Xan-man."
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Me? Uh..about eight years. Freshman year, my best friend Willow befriended a Slayer. That and we lived in Sunnydale, which is pretty much monster central."
He checked the mirror again, looking at Dean's sleeping-- peaceful-- face. "Monster central how?"
He glances at the window out the window and watches the passing scenery. "So, is this your first Apocalypse?"
He paused for a moment. "Though I think the Broodster put an end to a few in L.A."
"Do you mean, this angels versus demons, or this whole hunting gig?"
He noticed Sam's constant glances back at Dean and raised an eyebrow. "You expecting him to disappear suddenly or something?"
He tried not to look at Dean again, like some kind of crazy mother hen. "Who's your gang?"
"My gang? Oh right...the Scoobies. Well there's Buffy, our Slayer, and Dawn's her sister by the way. Then Willow, our resident witch and my best friend. Giles, B's Watcher, and..." He trailed off thinking about Tara and Anya and the great loss they all felt due to their absence. "Well, we had a pet vamp called Spike for awhile. But he...never mind, long story."
"How'd Dean get out of Hell?"
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