Well, I feel like a jackass.

Aug 11, 2009 20:00

Shit, how could I do that to Jo? Of course she's afraid of me. Last time she saw me I was busy trying to cut her to bits, although it wasn't quite me and I don't quite remember that whole night. Except for the part where I was thoroughly exorcised. That hurt. But I guess it always does, if you survive it.


It's good to see her again. She looks good: stronger. I'm not sure she's cut out for this kind of work, but I've never thought that. She's too emotional. Then again, if that Faith can do it, maybe Jo can too. But she's not one of the Chosen Ones, is she? Damn it.

But fuck, if she gets hurt or killed or anything, I don't want to be answering to her mom. That's the way it always goes, isn't it? People get hurt around us, doing what we do. Dean at the very least will feel responsible, even if he's not there. Especially if he's not even there. But she's here now, and that look in her eyes says don't-stop-me-Winchester.

I need to get out of here. I'm fed, I'm caffeinated, and I can't stand this pent-up anxiety any more. Something's gonna blow, but whether that'll be a person or a lighting fixture, I couldn't say.

Maybe I can get a look at that library Dawn mentioned. Anything would be better than sitting in this room, feeling trapped.

library, jo, foundation

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