I wish there were more things to do around here. Maybe we could go see a movie or something. I am pretty fuckin' broke though. I have about $86 in my account, and I still need to buy a ticket for the transit bus in NYC, which is about $12. My 50% discount didn't work either, which really sucked. They gave me a 20% discount instead, which was about 60¢ less than a round trip ticket on a Coach. So I said fuck it, might as well go on Greyhound. Some 23-year-old dude named Ed that lives in Syracuse happened to stand behind me on the line for the bus. At first he wouldn't shut the fuck up, and went on and on about how he distributes drugs to the east coast and how he just came from court for having a quarter pound of weed on him, but he only got 3 years probation and 10 days community service. And apparently he is a convicted felon and also has 2 misdemeanors. He talked about how he loves "Cali," and can't wait to go back there to check on his plants. He talked in this way where he would drop the last syllable of a word if it the letter before it was a vowel, and really stressed out all the vowels in such a manner that no normal human being should. Like instead of "caught," he would say "caaaugh." Or instead of "sure," it would be "suuuuur." If he didn't tell me he slept with a bunch of married women, I could have sworn he was gay. Then he fell asleep for three hours. When he woke up, he wouldn't stop hitting on me. It was really annoying, and plus there was a bunch of accidents on route 81 so we didn't get to Binghamton until 9:40pm, when it was supposed to arrive at 7:55pm. I was sitting next to this smelly douche for 5 hours. Goddamn, this guy reeked of sweat and his breath smelled like ass. So I really did need to get drunk last night.
Oh, and I really missed Konner.