Nov 07, 2004 20:58
well today i talked to someone who is pretty close to me in skating and as a friend...more in skating then a friend but still we tight....
his name is alex i skated wiht him and FL and this was the kid i looked up to alot when i skated he'd tak em places and what not....and i had to ask him something abotu skating...
so i ask him how good u have to be in skatin to get a flow sponcership for a companie ** the reason why i aksed him kuz he can get sponcerd hes gonna get on flow salo in a little**...he like well who u looking for and i'm liek no one now and hes liek well for salo u have to be about as good as tyler form FL which i am about the same but a little under....but hes like well dont go tryin to get sponcered kuz if i do ppl with be like whos that and hes not good enoguh and what not....and i'm liek i know what u mean...and i was jsut like i jsut wonna progress and what not and hes like jsut takes time some ppl take longer then other to progress and...then hes like i grew up with some big names in skating so i rubed off on them and senc eu skated wiht me i sorta rubbed off on u *which i did*...and like just takes time dotn go looking to get good.....and i'm like yeah well i'm not doin that i'm just hungry and i wonan start ne wshit not jsut the same stuff and hes liek eyha i know what ya mean and so he helped me and it was a nice conversation kuz....he helped me alot when i skated wiht him....he'd be liek do this and i would do it and 90% of the time it would trun out possitive and i enjoyed it....but now its jsut sad and depressing how i am here and stufff....the only thing i acually enojoy is skating and that is what keeps me up and i woudl liek to say thanks to my boy alex from FL for everything he's helped me wiht and stuff...
so guys yeah ill tt yall later peace