It seems sleep is an elusive creature

Dec 01, 2005 00:40

So I write! Once again I find that everything I thought was simple turns out to be far more complicated. My life is a search, and I am a student. I see the world through questions, everything to me is a question and while I can find answers to these questions, they do not help. All the answers fall short of the truth. Truth to me is an ideal, a hope, and a quest. the more I search, the more I learn, yet all I am doing is climbing higher up the mountain. I can get closer to the stars, yet to reach them I must learn to fly. What pains me is that while I continue to learn, which seems mainly to involve breaking down prejudices I now realize are more widespread in me than I feared; I do not come closer to the truth, the ideal state of mind and man. Truth is not so simple as people seem to think. All that man believes in and follows is a lie, because it is imperfect. All language, religion, creed, science and faith are creations of an imperfect creature, Man. Even something as simple as 1+1=2 is not perfect. It is an series of symbols created by an flawed animal to present an answer to a question. Yet this answer inevitably falls short of the truth.

Everything I tell you is a lie because the truth is greater than the words we use to describe it

Now I believe that the truth may one day be found. Man has the potential within itself to reach the utmost ideal it can imagine. First man must cast of prejudice and stereotypes. A man is a man regardless of the shape he takes.
Then man must learn to truly create. To go off on his own and learn of the world through experience. Then he can decide his own path, the individuals path. The man who creates is the closest to the stars. Yet Man cannot create a truth, he must find it, all man can create is the question. Man can create the path to the ideal, the stairway to heaven.
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