Apr 05, 2004 16:03
Im starving right now. I haven’t eaten anything half decent in the past three days due to my sore throat and cough and stuff. I did just eat spaghettios though and I feeling it being digested by my hungry stomach acid..aww..poor acid. Other than that im content.
People are actually starting to annoy me though. They are just becoming mean…not in particular to me...but people who i guess you would say aren’t "socially equivalent" to them. Its like were not humans, and because we dont get drunk and get stoned to the point where we cant walk straight doesn’t mean we are any less of a person with thoughts and feelings like you are. For example...two girls in one of my classes were laughing at another girl today because she had these sort of feathery, furry type pants on today. It made me so mad. I would have said something to the two girls...but frankly.. im to scared too. And you that know me know that I am the opposite of a shy person…but sometimes tend to be quiet in places I dont feel exactly comfortable in. Well anyways...all feathery pants girl did was laugh...but you can tell by the look in her eyes she was hurt deep down. You shouldn’t feel like you need to look a certain way to fit in at school. Some people playfully bug me about wearing my brothers shirts...but hey...i like them.
It truly gets the shit out of me when people are so ignorant and shallow because we dont spend HOURS on make up and picking out the perfect outfit to try to impress other people and show that they have the money to spend 135 dollars on pants that wont fit next year…what the hell is that all about. Now Im not saying you should have bad personal hygiene or whatever..but I personally..would rather sleep than load on the foundation. Im done. Again..I love you if your still reading this..and even if you stopped..i still love you. Bye