Dec 21, 2004 23:58
Life is wonderful right now...
After a funk of about a week I'm feeling so on top right now. I spent an oh so wonderful day with Ry and Ken and I got a new scarf which is hot and matches my jacket oh so awesome.
I miss Em a lot. two weeks is such a long time, but it will be so great to see her again. She makes me fuzzy inside :) :)
My family has come totally around and are so supportive of me. This is awesome.
I got my Christmas gifts from Ry. OMG they rock...and I gave all mine to him and we had awesome early Christmas even though his car didn't lol
hmmmmm....Lets see...not much going on really I'm on ultra lazy mode because of break and I love it. Next semester is going to be me busting my ass so I really need people there to keep me sane and not crack under the pressure of 8 classes. I know my EMU crew will always be there for me :)
I might do that new years quiz...who knows...
I hate resolutions and all that I usually don't make them because I never keep them...I suck :)
Ummmm....Oh yeah I have a webcam thing now so you lovely people can see me it only works on Yahoo though and my name is: MsMelissaSays...Yeah so that's it I guess
I'm one happy girl and I will be happier on the 4th...break needs to speed up :)
Well I'm outta here bitches...And look back an entry if you didn't hug me I want more!! <3 hugs :)
Loves ya!!