May 21, 2007 21:20
I was reading a very very old friends live journal and all she did was talk so much shit about me. And I know for a fact, it hurt me when it was written and when I had read it, but now I read it and I laugh. I just laugh at the fact people have to talk down upon others to make them feel better. Yet, I do not dislike this old friend of mine, I do not even hate her, for I will always seriously love that girl and support her with and in anything/everything she does. Minus drugs, I'd have to somehow find a way to tell her she is way better than that. But the fact of the matter is, I don't exactly know where our friendship went down the drain, I really don't. But I'd still have her back to this day if she ever needed it.
It's funny, as you get older you grow out of the immature ways of life you were once used to. It sucks how one small portion of you life can make the biggest impact of your entire life, how someone can always reflect back on that one situation and really look down on you.People do make mistakes and assuming you don't like to make the same ones over and over again, you learn from them as your life goes on. Noone is near perfect, and it is pretty upsetting to see people who are not willing to forgive you and look past that.
I honestly do not hate one person nor dislike one person.I know I have a ton of enemies, from the countless stupid, encounters coming across them, and I just wish people would stop holding such strong grudges. Is it even necassary in todays society to even do that?! There is so much out there to sit and think you're better than someone else.I am just as guilty as the next person, it is really hard to move past something so meaningful...heck sometimes even unmeaningful, but life is full of so much more than hate.Why waste your time, lothing someone...when you don't necassarily have to be friends, but can atleast be on some type of civil terms.
It is so overwhelming, but can be accomplished.