Apr 15, 2005 21:23
hey no one responds but i feel like writing something because i had a busy day.
ok so i played for JV first 2 games of the season and it went well, then today i played for Varsity and well i didnt play. its so weird going from star player on jv to bench warmer on V...oh well it is a good experience i can see good coming from this whole being a swinger thing. i did play, but i was only pitching for a shhhhort period and it was just to make the other team freak out having a new pitcher randomly step in with a different style and speed of pitching.. i was so nervous, i was shaking and i thought i would have a heart attack. i had a jv sleepover at juliannes last night and we made shirts and watched the newsies and she stayed up talking to her "jerald" quite late. winkage.
i ate out 2 times today! cough cow cough first lunch with spanish club at la careta, let me just say nathan godsman is like the craziest driver, "bitch" is his favorite word while on the road i swear...actually he does! then later i went to kathleens surprise sweet sixteen at olive garden. i love kathleen :)
i snuck home some bread sticks for my dad in my purse. *an evil haha*
1 year ago today (i think at break) i was asked out by a very kindly gentleman. thanks
i have sooooooooooo many tests i think in every class except BEST which i hardly even consider to be a subject. so my weekend will now be a lot of homework.. i just love it how they all plan to squeeze a test in before vaca...
(cant hardly wait)
ps: i dont like seeing spoiled people be spoiled, recently i have noticed just how spoiled a lot of kids (in bow) really are i guess i never realized to what extent. I mean like ill be lucky if i GET a car much less a stupid saab.. im not going on a huge out of country trip for vaca. it just makes me so angry because money seems to earn popularity at our school and.....guess what? money isnt everything. in fact at this point to me its pretty much nothing.