ну извините, мужик, типа меня, хотят же гулять с молодыми и красивыми девушками, до своей глубокой старости, а если бабы будут зарабатывать столько же, то разве у меня это бы могло получаться??
maybe if you had a brain you would be able to do it.
instead of using money to get sex , from women who deny that they are using sex to get money, you could develop your character. maybe then women will have sex with you without demanding money in return.
When you see an older gentleman with a cute young thing that makes all friends - married men around drool like horndogs, do you think he got her with his charm and charisma?
i am married to a man who is a lot older than me. not for his money.
i know that in russia things are different, about 50 years behind american in its social structure.
but that woman is still in denial! she wants things for sex. and she does not think that is prostution.. i don' know how that is possible.
prostitution is just fine, as far as i am concerned. there is absolutely nothing wrong with trading sex for stuff.
it is just fine for an old man to pay young women to suck and fuck him in exchange for things. woman should realize that is what she is doing and stop being in denial.
if her environment, russia, makes her do it , because she does not earn enough money and needs to have sex to get objects, that is sad. but that does not contradict the fact that she is trading sex for money.
В том-то и дело, коли у меня нежные чувства, я буду наслаждаться сексом именно от этих нежных чувств. Деньги-то тут при чем? Если бы мне мой мужик сказал, что, мол, рожай детей и сиди дома, тогда да, я б ожидала полной материальной поддержки. А остальное - дело исключительно добровольное. Подарит брильянт - замечательно, а нет - я его все равно любить буду.
и вообще - это часть неписанного закона, что баба мужика ублажает и греет, а он ей покупает колечки и шапочки, так было 10000 лет и будет 1000 лет more
А вы, барышня - есть феминистка, простите :) Зарабатывают-то мужики, у них и все деньги.
И что значит "зарабатывают мужики" и "у них все деньги"? Я вот тож зарабатываю, и поболе иного мужика, так что теперь?
Я за подарки, даже дорогие, но это должно происходить по доброй воле мужика, а не через женское вымогательство. В этом вся разница.
women should demand equal pay instead of presents for sex.
that is just pathetic
instead of using money to get sex , from women who deny that they are using sex to get money, you could develop your character. maybe then women will have sex with you without demanding money in return.
When you see an older gentleman with a cute young thing that makes all friends - married men around drool like horndogs, do you think he got her with his charm and charisma?
Perhaps yes, but not likely :)))
i am married to a man who is a lot older than me. not for his money.
i know that in russia things are different, about 50 years behind american in its social structure.
but that woman is still in denial! she wants things for sex. and she does not think that is prostution.. i don' know how that is possible.
prostitution is just fine, as far as i am concerned. there is absolutely nothing wrong with trading sex for stuff.
it is just fine for an old man to pay young women to suck and fuck him in exchange for things. woman should realize that is what she is doing and stop being in denial.
if her environment, russia, makes her do it , because she does not earn enough money and needs to have sex to get objects, that is sad. but that does not contradict the fact that she is trading sex for money.
Я вообще, кстати, за легализацию древнейшей профессии.
if someone wants to trade sex for stuff i am all for it.
as long as they are not in denial about what they are doing.
проститутка не испытывает настоящей любви к клиенту, а клиент платит проститутке чтобы она ушла
в повседневных же взаимоотношениях, даже имеющих базой деньги и секс, у людей таки имеются тёплые и нежные чувства друг к дружке
Деньги-то тут при чем?
Если бы мне мой мужик сказал, что, мол, рожай детей и сиди дома, тогда да, я б ожидала полной материальной поддержки. А остальное - дело исключительно добровольное. Подарит брильянт - замечательно, а нет - я его все равно любить буду.
why would you chooose this one?
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