Nov 01, 2004 20:40
how goes it amigos.i am just sitting here listening to music on these new head phones that my moms bf just brought.these things come in handy when people are in the room that u dont want in there and they get quite annoying.i found this out like 5mintues moms bf's son wa sin here saying the n word like in every sentence he says and it got on my nerves so much even hearing him say it one i asked him to stop and he keeps saying it and starts really making me sorry but thats just one word that gets on my nerves no matter who says it:black or white,chinese or anything doesnt matter bc in the end the word was still meant to hurt people so thas what i think of when people say i use music as my way of shutting him out and being like SHUT THE F*** UP!.my school has tuesday off for voters day and i am dont know too much what i am doin.i will get back to u on that one tho when i found out somehting.most likely i will try and finally go to get my permit and actually pass it.that would be nice.i went trick or treating last night and i didnt get nearly as much candy as i hoped i would get.i would be better off goin out to spend 20 bux on candy to fill up my entire pillow case of candy.i went with some friends from church which was ok bc i am look to build some new relationships with more people in the church community..i kinda havent been in recenetly.i recently got some news at school today about a girl named samantha pascal who is in the hospital now and in a comma bc of a car wreck she got into with a drunk driver.she and some friends were leaving with him and he started racing some guy causing the car to flip into the river.i am asking everyone to pray for her bc it was a mistake that could of been prevented and shes lucky to be at least alive right now.i went to my first college football game recently this weekend was clemson vs was a really awesomo game and i liked it so much that i brought a clemson shirt.u caught me.yes i am a clemson fan.but that doesnt mean i think usc is bad or ne thing...i just prefer clemson a little more.speaking of this weekend, i only got like 3 hours of sleep literally.i had a church all nighter to go to that was from 9 to 6.i left that at 5 in the morning to go to irmo high school to meet my FCA group at school to go to our trip to clemson for a youth was pretty nice.we were there all day and i only slept on the way there and one hour of the way back so yea....i didnt sleep way thas all for right now.if ne thing happens tomorrow then i will type about it tomrrow.peace and god bless.later