The Story of Severine

May 16, 2010 10:49

Ahhh Severine, I like her. As we were playing warhammer the ref said she wanted a dark feel to the backgrounds so I went to my dark place and came up with the fun little tail of delightful family life. Its intentional short as the ref put a limit of one page for backgrounds.

As we were doing and urban based game and that we were going to be the dreg I picked prostitute as a character career (I kid you not the game has ho' as a class). When I wrote the background I didn't know how Severine was going to develope and when I played her for a while she turned out to be less prosititute and more Dominatrix.. Seems I am type cast in my old job.

She is a blast to play; she is wise, cunning, calm but rubbish in a fight. Can't wait for chapter 3

Severine Jutzen (Vizegräfin Severine Jutzen von AverHeim)

Her father (Graf Severance Jutzen von AverHeim) met with a very untimely end where she was 5. Assassinated and deposed by her uncle Malius von AverBrokk, Severine and her mother were forced to flee their home for fear of their lives. They ended up living with relatives in Grissenwold, making the sure everything was legal with the Elector’s Office. This was just the start of their woes, for unbeknownst to her mother the Grissenwold’s were in the employ of Malius and thus began eleven years of hell.

Her mother died six years after their arrival (Severine was just eleven) and up until this point her mother had shielded her from most of the attention of Hurta and Viktor von Grissenwold. But with her mother gone the young Severine soon became their favourite plaything and they delighting in all forms of abuse and degradation that they could visit upon a young girl, sometime inviting Malius and select “friends” over to witness their “skills”.

They were always careful to leave no visible marks though, as even they had to answer to the Elector’s Seal and prove that they were looking after the young noble woman until she came into her majority (seventeen for a noble woman, then she could offer her own dowry) or they married her off at fourteen. But the Grissenwolds were enjoying there plaything too much and decided that they would keep her as they had trained her so well and would only dispose of her when she came of age in some fitting accidental manner.

Little did they know that Severine had learned one thing better than anything else, patience under extreme duress, and when she was sixteen all her waiting paid off. The Elector’s Office had decided to make sure that the Grissenwold’s were doing everything to ensure the future and wellbeing of the young Vizgrafin and to see if their stipend was still payable (a very large stipend of 725c per year).

One week before the Elector’s Seal arrived the Grissenwolds stopped ‘playing’ with Severine to make sure she healed and look presentable for the officer. With this lull in hostilities Severine took this opportunity to make her escape. She killed Hurta while she was enjoying the company of a girl they had kidnapped to play with (as they could not with Severine). Taking up Hurta’s Tilean stiletto, a tool she was more than intimate with, and donning her clothes (Severine was usually kept naked or bearly clad) she tracked down Viktor in the cellars and in the gloom inserted the needle sharp dagger into his ear. As the life as she had know it came to and end, Severine set fire to the manor and made good her escape and went in search of the Elector’s Seal.

It took her the best part of ten days to find them but in that time Malius had had an investigation into the fire and all bodies were accounted for, including Severine’s as it turned out that the kidnapped girl was about the same size and shape of the missing Vizfrafin. It suited Malius that she was seen as dead and when she presented herself before the Office of the Seal he was at hand to refute ever seeing the tall soot covered blonde woman clad in a leather dress. The Seal had the impostor beaten and banished from Grissenwold.

Severine’s life was over; no money, no family, a woman alone with nothing to trade and nowhere to go. All she knew was what was taught her by the Grissenwolds. Her body was the only currency she had and as sex had long become worthless to her, she made her own way to the capitol, hoping that there she could find a way to get back what was hers. Altdorf was a place where she could live and do all that she knew how to. She would wait, plan and scheme. She would have her vengeance.

It actually took longer tan she had hoped to get to the capitol and in those years the only luck she found was that of finding the former cook of her father’s household who had left before the troubles and had started a tavern in the capitol. The Five Fingers was a wholly disreputable place but the fanatically loyal Jonus Brewman ran a clean place. He understood what was needed and what she had to do. He would look after his Vizgrafin and she in turn would bring her fathers killer and her ultimate tormentor to justice.

Currently Severine works out of the only suit in the tavern and has become a bit of a famous feature of this very shady establishment. She continues to extend her influence and connections and is slowly building a power base to work from. But even with her noble birth, her current occupation and location label her as one of the dregs of society.

character, rpg

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