Finished downloading this week's brand new Lost episode, but before that, I just wanted to share something with you: My new OTP. Well, I've given up hope of Sawyer/Kate getting together, because of that whiny jackass is obviously still on Kate's mind (yeah, I do mean Jack). Same applies for Sawyer/Jack, because you know, the writers just loooove unsolved triangles from hell. Behold for the awesomeness:
Awww. Come on, admit it! You love them, too.
Ana Lucia! Stay the hell out of it! If I wanted a fucking triangle I'd stick with the old one, thank you very much. PS: You're not cute enough to be Sayid's bitch. But Charlie totally is.
Heee! The stares. So, here's The Lost Drama
Sayid: Okay, bitch. First you killed my girlfriend, and now you wanna replace my boyfriend? Back off.
Charlie VO: OMG! He loves me! He really loves me!
Ana Lucia: How about I become your bitch, Charlie?
Charlie: Hmmmmm. You're kinda hot, though.
Charlie: But seriously, he's way hotter. And I'm all his!
Sayid: Ha! IN YOUR FACE, bitch!
So, I watched OTH 3x17. I cried and all, but wasn't Karen totally OOC? I mean, I can't be the only one thinking that way, right?
Queer As Folk! Yeah. Finished S3. I'm making
dresden_doll_01 so proud! Heee.
That was seriously so fucking hot!
Fuck! FUCK! I really shouldn't have seen this scene. This is *exactly* the way the guy I was in love (but now I'm over him! I AM!) looks half naked in jeans. Fuck. No, Brian doesn't bear the slightest resemblence to him. He doesn't. He can't. I can't watch the rest of the episodes thinking about him. *headdesk* Fuck.
Brian getting high. Hmmm. Sounds too good to be true.
Oh, Christ. He looks so beautiful!
Hee. So obviously, when I start a Brian picspam, I seriously can't finish.