Nov 11, 2006 01:57
omg i just finished this kick ass book. its called Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. it took me less then two days to read this. i got it yesterday 11/9/06 at about 2:30 pm. that is the fastest i've ever read a book. i recommend this book to everyone.
sorry if i'm all weird tonight. i'm hyped up on chocolate and don't think i'm going to sleep for a wile....... ildkcjdmkfhfhvjhghjhbvcvbcjvhbcvnbcvkdhfsddgfdffkfuhkckfoe................................. sorry had a spaz moment.
well i have no clue as to what my grades all stand at. i have a funny feeling my parents will not be too pleased by them. but hell the quarter is over and i can't do shit about my grades now. who knows i could get grounded for the first time ever. crappy but you know it could happen unless i can talk my way out of it like i usually can do. yess i molly can get my way out of getting in trouble with the parents by sweet talking my way out. its hard but i can do it. and sometimes i hate it.
oh fucking well right...... right. why is life so fucking dramatic? dramadramadrama dramadramadrama dramadramadrama dramadramadrama dramadramadrama dramadramadrama dramadramadrama dramadramadrama dramadramadrama dramadramadrama dramadramadrama dramadramadrama dramadramadrama dramadramadrama dramadramadrama dramadramadrama dramadramadrama. sometimes i hate it. but then i think life would be a bunch of boring bull shit if we didn't have it. it would be theoretically easier but it would be bleeding your brains out, rather be in church, kissing the grosses guy in school, stabbing your eyes out with a spoon, rather be roasting in hell slowly BORING. but that means nothing cuz i still hate dramadramadrama. and we all think we're the only ones that have a great big heaping helping of the bull shit, aka drama, well news flash, everyone has it. its a god damn mother fucking cock sucking disease. and there is no cure or relief from it. i know your just thinking " FUCK!!!, what the hell is wrong with this woman? she must be out of her mind or board as hell", well i'm both ass hole, if you must know. i'm going crazy with just the stuff thats in my own mind and all of it won't stop going round and round like a fucking movie in my head that just rewinds and rewinds and plays over and over and over again. half the time i want to scream and yell for someone to put me out of my misery. but then i have the other times when i'm pulled back into semi-sanity by my friends and think what the fuck is my problem. i have great friends that need me cuz some, unfortunately, have worse problems than i do. it suck big fat floppy donkey dick. but its true. and i've come to the realization that everyones life could/can be/is as fucked up as everyone elses........................... and yess tonight, courtesy of my newly finished book, my favorite word is FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so get the fuck over it all fucking ready.
and i know no one ever reads my blogs or gives me the courtesy of a mother fucking comment. so this rant is for my benefit only and no one cares a flying fuck about me. no wait thats not completely true. my family and very uber close friends care i'm just to self conceited to see it. and i don't even know why they do care about me cuz i know i'm not anything special. and i've done nothing special. and i'm not going to do anything special. so i don't know why they even bother with me. so i'm just going to crawl under a rock and stay out of the way.
well i'll try to update and tell you if my grades where up to snuff or not.
ttyl ttfn.