(no subject)

Jan 02, 2008 22:40

Tak stuffed the chip violently into the hatch on the squirming, clawing, protesting catbot. Mimi staggered forward, took a few more jerking steps trying to ward off the new programming and then in a spin of motion was suddenly a tiny bipedal robot with an oversized piston of a right hand. It glared at Tak... as well as a robot could, anyway.

"BETTER. Oh, don't look at me like that! This is only temporary! U-unless you get smashed to bits, but then it won't matter. NOW!"

A tiny hatch opened in her pak and out sprung a white metallic light-festooned and cable-veined pole, taller than she was and at least six times longer than should be able to fit in her pak. She snatched it out of the air above her and spun it out to her side, as much to test her long-abandoned janitorial conditioning, as it was to look cool.

"Never thought I'd have to use THIS again..." She murmured. A quick snap to one side, sparks flew from it. The other, spikes erupted at the moment of greatest momentum. Back to the other side, a small blast of supercooling gas that left frost on the ground near it. The opposite side, a blast of splattering fire. She grinned, still low in her stance, antennae flopping close over her eyes.

"Works perfectly."

Another spin, and on the outswing the pole suddenly lengthens in time with the outward force, snapping back to normal length as she stands it upright next to her.

"Though I doubt I'll need it, I can never tell what kind of MESSES I'll have to clean up. Hm, let's see... The ship has been checked over, armor's been modified, Mimi's jammed in battle mode, old janitorial pole-arm tested..." She murmurs, ticking off all the fingers on one hand and distracted enough to not notice anyone approaching at first.

scene, khonshu, tak

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