(no subject)

Jun 17, 2007 22:27

Tak squinted, her antennae flattening and sweat-dust starting to drift from her as she stared hard enough to set the feather on the table on fire.
Fortunately it did nothing of the sort. UNfortunately it didn't do anything else either. She sneered and slammed the table, standing up to pace for maybe the third or fourth time. She'd caught Konshu's psychic contagion and Mewtwo had helped to "cure" her by draining her psychic powers. All of them. And they showed no sign of returning anytime soon.
She sealed the neck of her vacsuit and irritably smoothed down her antennae. Mewtwo lost his powers completely as well, but there was a small difference between an irken janitor who just happened to be psychic, and a pokemon engineered to be a living weapon using only his mind. She was worried about him. There was no other way to explain it. She hadn't even been sleeping well, and the loss of power wasn't completely to blame.
She made her way to the door, intent on heading out into the Nexus to do... something. Something that didn't require her staring at that feather anymore.


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