(no subject)

Apr 06, 2007 16:42

Tak slumped against the ivy-covered stone pillar in one of the random Nexus gardens, dropping her face into her hands.
She'd kissed the Dib under the rockstar LOL that was just now starting to falter. What the slark had she been THINKNG? The first Dib disappeared after a few awkward conversations and she never saw him again. But the next... literally vanished from her arms. So just when would this one disappear?
"I've got to say something to Samus..." She muttered, stroking her still-split antennae, as the LOL hadn't worn off on her appearance yet. "She probably has NO idea. Neither does Mewtwo... but how am I going to EXPLAIN myself? And... why am I talking out loud to myself?"
((Open RP, each reply treated as separate event, n' stuff. Yeah.))


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