Aug 20, 2003 20:47
This was one of the coolest experiences, I have experienced.
It was early in the morning i think like 4 am, and we were leaving for the Calgary airport, which was still 1 1/2 hrs away. When out of the blue, the tire hit something and poped. Well he pulled to the side as the driver cried and paniced, and yelled and all that good stuff. Not even 5 minutes had the tire poped did a man pull to the side of the rode. I looked to be in his twenties. He had a gas station jumper on and had all his laudry thrown about in the back of his beat up car. He asked one question [what happened?] and set to work. No words came out of his mouth. He just worked and worked. Me and my friend stood in the wheat fields, looking into the night sky as the northern lights streaked across. at the same time the driver found out the guys name was Hugo and kept screaming out "OH Hugo! HUgo! You are a life savior!" or "Hugo what a man, everyone should be like Hugo" When Hugo was down we tried to give him money, but he wouldn't take it. We even through the money in his beat up car, but he grabed it out and through it to the ground. And just like he appeared in a split second, he was gone in a split second, speeding down the highway. Gone.
What a man!