Jun 10, 2009 17:58
Okay, so HOW LONG has it been? Have I been dead? Yeah, about that...
I'm still around, I just find that I don't update my LJ much anymore, which is sad. Twitter has sort of taken over my "I need to rant" hole, so that's where my moments of pissiness have been going.
Really, there isn't much to update. School is still school, and I won't bore anyone with the details, although I could (Sir Gawain's sign was the pentangle, a five pointed star that is drawn without lifting up the pen).
In the "what I've been reading" section, I just bought The Boy Detective Fails by Joe Meno. A few years ago, I read Meno's other book, Hairstyles of the Damned and was immediately put off by how teen-angsty it was. The Boy Detective Fails reminds me so much of the Venture Brothers, which is, of course, probably the best animated show ever. If I had to peg this book as something, I would say it was like the Hardy Boys grew up and went to a mental institution. Yes, it's exactly like that.
The ukulele is still going well. I forget that I only LJed about it once or twice--the people who live with me are probably sick of hearing it so much! I had a show with my friend Adam Friday night and we had a good turnout. For a job well done we got an extra five bucks and a good word to the owner. WIN!
So yes, that is all. :)