the english evening

Aug 10, 2012 23:12

Being inspirited by Nadya's training, I've watched the first film about desperated housewaifs. In english, yes. Well, what shall I say... my english is is so noenglish in fact :))) Allthou i do understand the main story is about, but just the main only. And very many little things, phrases and details were missing my mind. So many that I look the film once more on russian and then in english again. The third time was better than anyone understandable :))) And I found the text of the film here:
Amoung other questions I ask myself:
Why they are all so thin?
Why do they speak so quickly and with such a strange accent? :)))
Are they really live in that way - with open doors and windows, alone in that big houses?
Sorry for my broken english, I hope I'll be better soon :) If you see any mistakes (there should be a lot of) - please tell mi, I'd be grateful.


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