no...i have not given up on lj yet

Mar 23, 2008 04:26

we had a birthday party for my uncle, aunt and daddy today; they decided to celebrate it altogether. yeah. played super smash brawl on Wii, which was very fun :). i was bad at it, but whatevers. the adults didn't get around leaving until about 1 in the morning. so now..., after cleaning up and stuff, i have a case of INSOMNIA. C-A-N-N-O-T S-L-E-E-P!!! gahhh....

so...what better thing to do than watch K.U.S videos when you've got the case of the cannot sleeps. i spent about 40 minutes watching the videos nostalgic. i miss those days. i really REALLY want another one of those KUS filming days: a broken AC in a 105 degrees fahrenheit room with nine girls clamoring about in the background with costume changes, makeup, dance rehersals, etc.

i miss high school.

on a side note, i'm still deciding on whether or not i should go to AX this year. the fact that it's gonna be in LA convention center makes me not want to go. but i want to go just for the sake of seeing old buddies and reliving the madness that is anime expo. i shall see....

kus, birthday, anime expo

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